
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 3

Calvin Liu

Dear MJCS Families:

Please note our fall registration and class changing will be closed by this Saturday, 9/24/16.

Anyone considers changing class; please make sure to complete it by this Saturday.

Thank you for all parents who joined our New Parent Welcome Reception last Saturday and/or school BBQ last Sunday!  Hope you all had fun last SundayJDon’t miss out another school event, school Paintball on Sunday, 10/2Please see the flyer for more details. It’s safe and fun!

Not finishing yet!  We are having another BBQ/Picnic event coming up presenting by CACA!  it is the CACA Autumn BBQ at Duke Island Park on Sunday, 10/16!  There are games, biking, hiking, playground and more!   Please see the flyer for more details.  Please sign up with school Administration.  

Please note school is partnering with Shen Yun this year with Preferred Appreciation Program!  Everyone from our school can get $5 web service fee waived and 10% of your purchase is automatically donated to MJCS.  Welcome everyone to join.  Please see the flyer for more details.

Please note our PC3 teacher Joy Huang is giving free tutoring starting at 11:30am at Cafeteria.  Any students who is interested in having tutoring class, please email teacher Huang at ( before Saturday (appointment only).

Every week we will post lots of activities in the school website under Event and TECO.  Please check our school website constantly. 

Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information:

Upcoming MJCS activities

10/1 – EB Fall Recess - School Closed

10/2 – school Paintball 9:30am – 5pm

Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):

9/24 – ANJCS Confucius Memorial Ceremony at Murray Hills Chinese School from 1pm to 4pm

and East Brunswick Day 12pm to 6pm

PTO News:

  1. Thank you to all the parents who attended our first PTO meeting for the year.  We are all very excited and looking forward to planning many exciting,  fun and successful PTO events  for the year.
  2. September 24th, this  Saturday 12 noon - 6 pm...MJCS will be participating again in the 3rd ANNUAL EAST BRUNSWICK DAY @ Community Art Center, 721 Cranbury Road.  PTO will be looking for volunteers to help manage the MJCS table.  The event highlights all the local businesses, educational programs, youth sports, multi cultural& civic org. and more.  Free Entertainment and free bounce rides plus you get lot's of free goodies from all the vendors!!!  Please check your email from Sign up Genius to sign up for the three time slots available to help us manage the MJCS table.
  3. Please stop by the PTO desk and purchase  Shoprite and  Hmart Gift cards.  The school earns 5%  of every gift card purchased.  
  4. We will have aPTO craft table set up every week in the cafeteria.   The youth voluneteers will help us run this table weekly.  The youth volunteer can assist your younger child to make a personalized craft (ie, picture frame, bracelet etc.) for a donation of 50 cents per item.  If you have craft items you would like to donate, please drop off to us. The more supplies we have, the more ideas /goodies we can come up with to make. 
  5. The vendors for this weekare:
    Happy Garden

Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO






感謝所有參與上週六的新進家長座談以及上週日的學校烤肉/野餐的學校同仁和家庭! 希望您渡過一個歡樂的週日! 還有,不要錯過我們學校在10/2的打漆彈活動!詳細內容請看活動傳單。 安全又好玩喔!

不只這些喔!中美文化協會將在10/16星期天連同本校及其他四所學校在杜克公園舉辦秋季重陽文化節烤肉及野餐活動!詳細內容請看活動傳單。 參加的家庭請向教務處報名。

學校今年和神韻藝術團合作一項表演活動。 本校的家庭可獲得優惠以及學校可獲得10%的捐贈。 詳細內容請看活動傳單。 請大家多多支持!

實用中文3班胡瑞華老師每週六會在禮堂提供免費的中文輔導課。 請有需要的學生在週六前電郵報名給胡老師:( (只接受報名通知)


溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站


10/1 – 停課

10/2 -- 中部中校漆彈活動 9:30AM - 5PM

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):

9/24 - 新澤西中文學校協會祭孔大典將於梅山中文學校舉行 1pm to 4pm 和 East Brunswick Day 12pm to 6pm


  1. 感謝所有參與上週六第一次家長會會議的家長。我們將會在這一年中規劃許多精彩的活動
  2. 9/24日是第三屆East Brunswick Day從中午12點到下午6點在Community Art Center, 721 Cranbury Road. East Brunswick舉辦。我們將需要家長義工幫忙。 活動中會有許多關於商業、教育、體育和多元文化等等的展示。入場免費和許多遊樂設施以及免費紀念品!
  3. 請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮卷。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!
  4. 家長會每週將在禮堂設立勞作、手工藝攤位。 我們的年輕學生志工將幫助同學動手做工藝。 每個作品只需$0.50的捐款。 如果您有手工藝可以捐贈給我們給予更多有趣的創意
  5. 以下是本周美食攤位:
    Happy Garden




教務處及家長會 敬