Week 2
Calvin Liu
Dear MJCS Families:
Greatly appreciated for all your helps on the first day of the school last Saturday!
This year we are very excited to add 1 new culture class: Volleyball class!
Both coaches, Steve Ng and George Lee, will be teaching beginning and advance skills. This class will teach younger and beginner players the game of volleyball as well as help build confidence and self-esteem in a team work environment. As for the older students and advance level, students will learn the skills to get them ready for High School sports and competition level. We are opened to registration this Saturday!
Attention!! 2 school events are coming up! One is our school BBQ / picnic at Bicentennial Park (Grove A) on 9/18 from 1pm to 6pm! The other is our school paintball event at Long Live Paintball on 10/2 from 9:30am to 5pm! Details for both events are sending with the newsletter. Also, you can find the info in school website under Event. For those who missed the BBQ in June and paintball event last November, don’t miss out this time!
Every week we will post lots of activities in the school website under Event and TECO. Please check our school website constantly.
Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information: www.mjcs.us
Upcoming MJCS activities
9/24 – Fall Registration Ends, Changing Class Ends
10/1 – EB Fall Recess - School Closed
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
9/24 – ANJCS Confucius Memorial Ceremony at Murray Hills Chinese School from 1pm to 4pm and East Brunswick Day 12pm to 6pm
PTO News:
- New Parent Welcome Reception/PTO meeting @ 10:40 am - 11:30 am in the cafeteria. We will have coffee, tea and light refreshment. Please join us in welcoming new MJCS parents and find out what PTO events we have planned for the upcoming year. Attending this meeting will earn you one credit towards your volunteer PTO refund. Please remember your $50 PTO refund will be issued once you complete two volunteer event. PTO will send an email from SIGN UP GENIUS informing you of upcoming events and # of volunteers needed.
- THIS SUNDAY September 18th MJCS FALL BBQ/PICNIC @ Bicentennial Park, 176 Hardenburg Lane, East Brunswick. 1 - 6 pm. Adult $5 and children FREE If you did not get the chance to attend the SPRING BBQ in June, it was lot's of fun and plenty of food for everyone!! Jon Lee will be collecting.
- Save the date....September 24th, Saturday 12 noon - 6 pm...MJCS will be participating again in the 3rd ANNUAL EAST BRUNSWICK DAY @ Community Art Center, 721 Cranbury Road. PTO will be looking for volunteers to help manage the MJCS table. The event highlights all the local businesses, educational programs, youth sports, multi cultural& civic org. and more. Free Entertainment and free bounce rides plus you get lot's of free goodies from all the vendors!!!
- Please support PTO/MJCS by purchasing Shoprite and Hmart Gift cards. The school earns 5% of every gift card purchased.
- The vendors for this weekare:
Jen Lee
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
今年非常難得我們新増1個很棒的文化課:排球班!我們的兩位教練, Steve Ng 和 George Lee都是非常有經驗和熱忱並教授初級階段和進級階段的技巧。 本班將幫助初級學生基本技術和增加個人在團體中自信心。進階學生將學到更難的技巧並幫助在高中體育課做好準備。 本週六正式報名!請大家踴躍報名參加我們的文化課J
請注意!! 學校舉辦的2個活動要到了! 一個是本週曰 9/18在Bicentennial Park(Grove A)的烤肉/野餐下午1點到6點! 另一個是10月2日在Long Live Paintball 的打漆彈活動早上 9:30到5點!詳細內容同本週newsletter 一起發出。之前無法參加的同學或家長們,不要再錯過了!
本校每個星期都會在學校網站Event 和TECO裏刊登許多校內和校外的活動。請所有同學和家長多多查閱。
溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站:www.mjcs.us
9/24 - 秋季班註冊截止, 轉班截止, 家長迎新座談 10:40am to 11:30am
10/1 – 停課
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
9/24 - 新澤西中文學校協會祭孔大典將於梅山中文學校舉行 1pm to 4pm 和 East Brunswick Day 12pm to 6pm
- 本週六是新進家庭歡迎座談從早上10:40到11:30。 期間學校會提供早點享用。 會中會對新的一年中活動講説。 參加此座談可以得到家長會一個點數以幫助您在學年末$50元的退費。 請留意本週發出的SIGN UP GENIUS.
- 本週日是學校舉辦的烤肉野餐活動。 詳細內容請看學校發出的電郵信函。
- 9/24日是第三屆East Brunswick Day從中午12點到下午6點在Community Art Center, 721 Cranbury Road. East Brunswick舉辦。我們將需要家長義工幫忙。 活動中會有許多關於商業、教育、體育和多元文化等等的展示。入場免費和許多遊樂設施以及免費紀念品!
- 請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮卷。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!
- 以下是本周美食攤位:
Jen Lee