Week 27
Calvin Liu
Dear MJCS Families:
Please note NO culture class this Saturday due to our in-school YoYo contest.
School recently received some concern from our safety duty staffs. Please note the school only has 3 main entrances opened for security reason. The rest of the doors are locked for the school safety during the school hours. Please follow our safety instruction and use the designated entries to enter the school. We appreciate for your cooperation.
Please note 2016 FASCA enrollment is started and welcome qualified MJCS senior students (age 14-18) to apply. It's great opportunity for our senior students to earn volunteer hours! Details please come to school cafeteria and contact David Chen.
Our yearbook sponsoring is opened! If you need the sponsor form, please contact with school administration. We hope to get as many as sponsors to support our yearbook. If you know anybody is looking for posting their business advertisements, our yearbook is definitely a great place to be.
Don’t forget to check out our school website under “Event” and “TECO” every week. We always have new activities posting in the school website.
Upcoming MJCS activities
4/23 – Essay/Drawing Contest In-Class 10:30AM ~ 11:30AM
4/30 – 2016-2017 Early Registration Begin
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
4/24 -- ANJCS Calligraphy Contest 書法比賽 Bergen Chinese School( 博根中校)
PTO News:
- Please support the PTO in its fund raising effort by purchasing Shoprite and/or HMart giftcards before you go grocery shopping. The PTO receives 5% from the sales of the giftcards. Giftcards will be available in the lower lobby at drop off or at the PTO table in the cafeteria. Thank you!
- Class photos - Stop by the lower lobby or the PTO desk to pick up the orders that were previously placed.
- Vendors for this week are:
Asian Wok
Happy Family
Yvonne’s Kitchen – We are trying out a new vendor!!! Yvonne will be selling Taiwanese Food.
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
請注意,本週六沒有文化課。 我們有校內扯鈴比賽。
請注意,2016海外青年文化志工培訓班(FASCA) 已經開放報名。歡迎本校高年級同學(14 - 18歲)申請報名。 這是很好的機會可以獲得志工時數!詳細資訊請至學校禮堂向David Chen查詢。
本校今年畢業紀念冊的廣告贊助已經開始!若您需要申請表請聯絡教務處。期望各位廣邀您知道或認識的店家及廠商為我們的畢業紀念冊提供贊助。 每年的紀念冊是個非常好的方法為各個商家增加銷售和名氣!
請留意每週本校網站中的Event和TECO,我們一直會有新推出的活動放在學校網站上。 請踴躍報名。
4/23– 作文/畫畫比賽 10:30AM ~ 11:30AM
4/30 -- 2016~2017學年提早註冊開始
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
4/24 – ANJCS 書法比賽 Bergen Chinese School( 博根中校)
- 請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮券。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!
- 各班班級合照照片已經完成!請至家長會處訂購您孩子的班級合照。已經訂購的家長請在本週六領取。
- 以下是本周美食攤位:
Asian Wok
Happy Family
Yvonne’s Kitchen
教務處及家長會 敬上