
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 10

Calvin Liu

Dear MJCS Families: 

This Saturday is our In-school Speech Contest.  All students please arrives school at 9:30am on time.  Wish all best to all contestants doing well! 

Please note NO Culture class this Saturday.

What a fun we had last Saturday!!  Big thank to all the families came to play and we are proud of all the young children who came!

NO PC3 teacher Joy Huang free tutoring this Saturday.

Every week we will post lots of activities in the school website under Event and TECO.  Please check our school website constantly. 

Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information:

Upcoming MJCS activities

11/26 -- Happy Thanksgiving !  感恩節 Thanksgiving- 停課 School Closed

12/3 -- CACA Speech Contest at Mid-Jersey Chinese School (中部中文學校) 10AM - 1PM

 Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):

11/19 -- ANJCS Recitation Contest 朗誦比賽 Min Hui Chinese School (明慧中校)

PTO News:

1. This Saturday November 19th, IN SCHOOL SPEECH CONTEST- Good luck to all the students who will be participating!

In order to help school administration and staff run this event smoothly, we will need some volunteers to help assist the students up to and off the stage along with registration desk..  This volunteer event will earn you one credit towards your PTO $50 refund.

Please sign up on the provided link.

2.  Thanksgiving Thursday is next week!! Please consider purchasing Shoprite and Hmart giftcards for your holiday shopping.  Shoprite offers a free turkey with a $400 purchase. The school gets 5% of all giftcards purchases!

3.  Mark the date...November 26th, Saturday  4pm - 10 pm

PTO will be participating  in the free holiday gift wrapping at BARNES and NOBLES BOOKSTORE, Route 18, East Brunswick location.

The first Saturday after black Friday should be a busy holiday shopping day.  Please consider helping us with two hours of giftwrapping  which will earn you one credit towards your $50 PTO Refund.  Sign up genius email will be sent out shortly.

4. Just as a reminder, if you have earned two volunteer credits and would like to receive your PTO refund, please stop by the PTO desk. 

5.  New Food Vendor BiBi  Chicken will be selling FRIED CHICKEN this Saturday! Lets all welcome and support our new vendor and try some of that chicken!!

Vendors this week:

1.BiBi Chicken - new vendor selling fried chicken 

2.Bo Hai Dumpling

3.Happy Family

4.Hsiu Ling Taiwanese Kitchen

5.Willy's Fresh Mushrooms

Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO







上星期六的打漆彈活動圓滿及成功!! 十分感謝所有參與的家庭以及對所有參加的小朋友們感到驕傲!



溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站


11/26 -- Happy Thanksgiving !  感恩節 Thanksgiving- 停課 School Closed

12/3 -- CACA Speech Contest at Mid-Jersey Chinese School (中部中文學校) 10AM - 1PM

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):

11/19 -- ANJCS Recitation Contest 朗誦比賽 Min Hui Chinese School (明慧中校)


1.  本週六是校內演講比賽,祝所有參賽的同學都有最佳的表現!  學校需要義工家長幫忙。所有的義工家庭將獲得一個家長會的退費點數。

2.  感恩節就是在下個禮拜了! 請大家多多支持和購買Shoprite 和 Hmart的禮券。 Shoprite 推出$400送一隻免費火雞。請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮卷。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!

3.  11/26 下午4點至10點。 家長會將在 18號公路上East Brunswick 的 BERNES AND NOBLES 書店參加免費禮物包裝活動。 所有在當天參加的家庭將會擭得一個家長會退費點數。

4.  請留意,如果您已經得到2個家長會的退費點數並希望能取回$50的退費,請至家長會處辨理。

5.  學校又有一個新的食物供應商了! BIBI CHICKEN 將在週六販賣美味的炸雞,不要錯過囉!


1.BiBi Chicken - new vendor selling fried chicken 

2.Bo Hai Dumpling

3.Happy Family

4.Hsiu Ling Taiwanese Kitchen

5.Willy's Fresh Mushrooms



教務處及家長會 敬上