Week 26, 2015
Calvin Liu
April 04, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
Happy Easter ! NO Classes this Saturday.
The 42nd ACS (Association of Chinese School) Meeting will be held at Flushing, NY on 5/23 and 5/24. Registration is due 4/18. Teachers are highly recommended to attend.
The East Brunswick Public Library is trying to match the city’s cultural diversity by incorporating a wide variety of international programs and literature. MJCS’ very own, Mary Pan, has been elected to the East Brunswick Public Library’s Board of Trustees to help guide the library’s movement. Please take advantage of this opportunity provided by the library to enrich your child’s education.
American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life will be captained by Janet Zhao with assistance from Simon Chen’s MJCS Youth Volunteers. If you support the cause, please consider donating to MJCS’ team at this link: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY15EA?px=36465850&pg=personal&fr_id=66876
The MJCS Yearbook project has begun and we are actively looking for sponsors. The Yearbook sponsor form can be found on the mjcs.us website.
We are in the process of offering Ping Pong as a culture class. Any type of donations would be appreciated.
Details for FOCAT Drawing/Calligraphy/Essay Competition. MJCS will award $10 cash prize to winners of first three places.
Remember: Please turn your attention to our website mjcs.us for upcoming events.
Upcoming MJCS activities
- 04/11 – NO School.
- 04/25 – Fire Drill
- 05/09 – Mothers’ Day Breakfast Sale (New Date)
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
- 04/19 – ANJCS Multimedia Presentation Contest (Raritan Valley Chinese School)
- 04/25 – ANJCS Speech Contest (Murry Hill Chinese School)
- 05/03 – ANJCS Calligraphy Contest (Bergen Chinese School)
- 05/16 – ANJCS iPad Digital Teachers’ Conference (MJCS) This is open to parents too. iPad and registration require.
- 05/23 – ACS Annual Conference (Flushing Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel)
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
2015 4月4日
親愛的各位老師, 家長, 同學們,
祝大家復活節快樂, 這個星期六停課一周.
ACS (Association of Chinese School) 第四十二届的會議將會在五月二十三號和五月二十四號在紐約法拉盛舉行. 最後報名日期為四月十八號, 希望所有的老師能夠踴躍參加, 詳情請到䋞站查詢 http://www.acsusa.org/acs2015/Welcome.html
East Brunswick 公共圖書館為了配合我們各種文化不同的需求而成立了不同的國際性的文學和方案上的規劃. 我們MJCA的家長Mary Pan 更有幸的被邀請為圖書館的受託人, 幫助圖書館更好地為我們的需求提供服務. 希望家長們好好利用這個平台來幫助孩子們學習.
美國癌症協會Relay for life 是一個非常有意義的活動, 除了可以募集捐款之外, 也可以讓我們對癌症多一點認識. 最重要的是通過這個活動, 我們可以教育小孩們有一顆慈善的心, 去關愛有需要幫助的他人. 今年的領隊是Janet Zhao, 當然還有我們的Simon Chen 和MJCS的青年義工. 希望大家多支持這個活動, 如想捐款, 請到http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY15EA?px=36465850&pg=personal&fr_id=66876
學校正在預備經費開乒乓球文化課, 我們歡迎任何的捐款.
華僑救國聯合總會 海外華校學生徵文, 書法, 繪畫比賽細節, MJCS將會頒發前三名得獎學生$10元現金獎.
MJCS 學校年刋正在進行中, 如果有興趣贊助, 可以到學校的䋞站WWW.MJCS.US拿取表格.
溫馨小提示, 如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法, 請到: http://www.mjcs.us/
- 04/11 - 停課
- 04/25 - 消防預演
- 05/09 - 母親節早餐義賣
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
- 04/19 – ANJCS 多謀體比賽 (瑞谷中校)
- 04/25 – 演講比賽 (梅山中校)
- 05/03 – ANJCS 書法比賽( 博根中校)
- 05/16 – ANJCS iPad Digital Teachers’ Conference (MJCS).
- 05/23 – ACS Annual Conference (Flushing Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel)
紐澤西中部中文學校 教務處及家長會敬上