
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 23, 2015

Calvin Liu

March 14, 2015

Dear MJCS Families: 

NO Culture Classes this Saturday except for the art class.  The art class will be a make-up for May 2nd.

A College Funding Seminar will be conducted in room 406 at 10am by TransAmerica.

In-School Yo-Yo Contest at 11:30am.

Good luck to the students entering the ANJCS Chinese Chess Contest at the Princeton Chinese School on Sunday starting at 10am.

Those interested in tutoring, Ms. Joy and youth volunteers are available.  Advance notice would be appreciated.

We are on World Journal!

Remember : Please turn your attention to our website, events link for upcoming events.

Upcoming MJCS activities

  • 03/21 – Culture Teacher Conference (12:30-1:00)
  • 03/28 – MJCS Board Meeting
  • 04/04 – NO School
  • 04/11 – NO School.

Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):

  • 03/15 – ANJCS Chinese Chess Contest – Princeton Chinese School
  • 03/21 – ANJCS Karaoke Contest (MJCS)
  • 03/28 – ANJCS Yo-Yo Contest (Edison Chinese School)

PTO News:

  1. Don't miss the opportunity to prepare for your child's college education.  Seminar by Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. on "COLLEGE FUNDING STRATEGIES".   Their mission is to help families overcome the funding challengers facing the college education of their children. Topics will include: Strategies to qualify for the most financial aid,  tax advantaged saving strategies for college, maximizing the available tax credits.  

    March 14, 2015   10:00 am - 11:30 am
    Seminar room 406 ( entrance by Snapple machine in cafetorium)
    Refreshments will be served

    Attendees will receive one credit towards the refund of their PTO deposit.   Please sign up for seminar on the Sign Up Genius email.
  2. VENDORS this week:
    Asian Wok
    Bohai Dumpling
    Happy Family
    Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen

Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO



2015   3月14日


中文課照常上課.   文化課停課, 但美術課因為預補五月二日的課, 所以這個星期照常上課.

由Transamerica 所提供的如何為你的孩子準備大學費用的講座在教室406房舉行, 時間為早上十點.

普林斯頓中文學校舉行的ANJCS中國象棋比賽在3月15日早上十點舉行, 祝參加比賽的同學們好運, 取得好成績.

如果你需要補習輔導服務 , Ms.Joy和青年義工可以幫忙你, 但最好要預約.


溫馨小提示,  如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法,  請到䋞站


  • 03/21 – 文化課教務會議(12:30-1:00)
  • 03/28 – 學校董事會會議
  • 04/04 - 停課
  • 04/11 - 停課

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):

  • 03/15 – ANJCS中國象棋比賽-普林斯頓中文學校
  • 03/21 - 卡拉OK比賽 (MJCS)
  • 03/28 – ANJCS 扯鈴比賽 (愛迪生中文學校)


不要錯過賺回你的家長會會費的機會. 請大家留意家長會寄出的Sigh Up Genius的電子郵件.

  1. 如何儲備大學學費方針: 請別錯過了這次本校提供的如何為你的孩子準備大學費用的講座. 這次講座由TransAmerica Financial Advisor 提供, 目的是幫你了解如何面對和準備好你的孩子未來的大學費用

    1) 如何能夠符合申請獎助學金的資格   
    2) 讀大學在稅務方法的節約   
    3) 最大限度的獲得的稅務優惠 日期: 2015年 3月14 日星期六

    時間: 上午10點-11點半
    地點: 本校禮堂 此次活動由中部中文學校家長會協辦主持,并會提供精美糕點和飲料
  2. 希望各位家長繼續支持家長會的Hmart 和Shoprite 禮物劵義買. 銷售總額的5%將捐贈給家長會,謝謝大家支持!
  3. 本周的美食攤位有㴾海村, 開心小食 日式便當,秀玲台式便當,    歡迎大家購買享用。


