Week 18, 2015
Calvin Liu
February 7, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
Week 1 of the Spring Semester. NO CULTURE CLASS.
Chinese New Year Celebration from 11:30am – 2:00pm. We will have performances, food, games and a raffle for multiple prizes:
[2015 Chinese New Year celebration Program Guide]
Tickets can be purchased from PTO. Green tickets are $2 each. Yellow tickets are $1 each. Game tickets are $5 for 10 games.
Registration for the Spring Semester is open, forms and information are available on the website.
CACA Gala tickets are on sale. Please see PTO to purchase tickets ($75) for the March 07 event. I anticipate at least 3 tables from MJCS so come out and join us. It will be fun !
Remember : Please turn your attention to our website mjcs.us, events link for upcoming events.
Upcoming MJCS activities
- 02/14 – NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
- 02/21 – MJCS Board Meeting
- 02/28 – Spring Registration Ends
- 03/07 – In School Calligraphy and Chinese Chess Contests
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
- 02/19 – Chinese New Year – Year of the Sheep
- 03/07 – CACA Gala – Celebrating the Year of The Sheep
- 03/15 – ANJCS Chinese Chess Contest – Princeton Chinese School
PTO News:
Check out the fabulous prizes for the carnival games displayed in the lobby! Every $5.00 carnival ticket wins a large prize!!
Vendor this week:
Bo Hai Dumpling
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
2015 2月7日
新年慶祝活動從上午11:30到下午2:00在禮堂舉行. 家長會準備了豐富的表演, 食物, 遊戲和抽獎:
希望大家湧躍參加. 食品券和遊戲券可以到家長會購買. 綠色票二元一張,黃色票一元一張.遊戲券五元十個遊戲. 希望家長們多多支持家長會活動. 春季學期由現在開始報名, 如果需要表格或更多資料, 請到網站下載或到教務處領取.
中美文化協會週年慶典 門票正在售賣, 如有興趣請到家長會處購買(門票每張七十五元)
溫馨小提示, 如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法, 請到網站 http://www.mjcs.us/
- 02/14 –學校停課 -總統節停課
- 02/21 – MJCS 董事會會議
- 02/28 – 春季班注册截止
- 03/07 –校內書法和象棋比賽
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
- 02/19 – 農曆新年-羊年
- 03/07 – CACA週年慶典
- 03/15 – ANJCS中國象棋比賽-普林斯頓中文學校
- 請大家不要錯過在大堂陳列的奬品,每五元的遊戲券可獲得一份大獎品
- 本周的美食攤位: 渤海村. 歡迎大家購買享用。