
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 4

Calvin Liu

October 7th, 2015

Dear MJCS Families: 

Great news!  Our school decided to open up a FREE Adult CSL class this year!!  The class is from 11:40am to 1pm every Saturday.  We encourage any adult who is interested in learning Mandarin to sign up.  Do not miss this great opportunity to learn the language for freeJ!

Wants to play or learn Ping Pong?  The wait is over!  Our Ping Pong culture class is now opened starting this Saturday!  Please give warm welcome to our Ping Pong class teacher, Gene TomJWe not only issue Kids Ping Pong class, but we also open up Adult Ping Pong class!  Only total 8 students Max. and make sure to dress sneakers for the class.  The updated registration form is now available in our school website.  Please come to our Administrator to register this new class if you are interested.

Wants to have more fun from Chinese School?  You got it!  Mark on your calendar; our school will host a paintball trip on Saturday, 11/7!!  The place is called Long Live Paintball at Monroe Township, NJ.  It’s a whole day private outing package which only plays between our own groups, no outside group on that day!  The cost is $50.00 per person including all protecting gears, lunch and water.  For more details please see separated e-mail sending later this week.  It’s safe and fun!  Let’s all sign up and have fun together!!

Just a friendly reminder, we will have fire drill practice this Saturday from 11am to 11:10am.  Please follow the instruction from our safety instructor.

 Anyone wants to join the NYC Chinatown parade this Saturday, please come to Administration to find out more details.  We will see you at 4pm in Chinatown! 

Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information:

Upcoming MJCS activities

10/17 – Class Picture Day Group1 from 10:20am to 11am.  Group1: KA[700], 1A[701], 2A[507], 3A[503], 5A[907], 7A[903], 8A[901], 9A[900], 10A[504], C1[805], C2[803], C4[801], C5[800], C6[500]

10/24 – Class Picture Day Group2 from 10:20am to 11am.  Group2: CSL1[913], CSL2 [911], CSL3[909], PC1[508], PC2[505], PC3[501], PC4[910], PC5[908], PC6[906], PC7[904], PC8[902], ACSL [905]

10/24 – Cultural Teachers Conference 12:30am to 1pm

Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):

PTO News:

  1. Pick up some Shoprite and/orHMart gift cards before you go grocery shopping and help MJCS PTO at the same time.  The PTO receives 5% from the sales of the gift cards.  Gift cards will be available in the lobby at drop off or at the PTO table in the cafeteria.
  2. For those of you who love Jade jewelry, Mr. Shunly Wang of Ding Yu International will be presenting a seminar, Jadeite 101, this Saturday,10/10/2015 at 10:00am in Room 406.  This seminar will introduce Jadeite, the differences between Jadeite and Nephrite Jades as well as the value, prices and assessment of different grades of Jadeites.  Attendees will receive one credit towards the refund of their PTO deposit.  PTO deposit will be refunded upon completion of the required two credits.  Look out for the Signup genius email to sign up for this seminar.
  3. The Reuse and Recycle Fundraiser is ongoing.  Please donate your gently used books, board games and toys to the PTO.  PTO has a table in the lobby to sell the used items.  Stop by each week to check out the items for sale, you never know what you will find!!! Please note that only items in good condition will be accepted for the fundraiser.  Thank you in advance for your contribution.
  4. Calling all you chefs out there!!! If you love to cook, come showcase your talents at the PTO Breakfast sale which will be held on October 24, 2015. PTO is looking for food donations as well as volunteers to help set up and sell the donated food items. We will have more information for you in the coming weeks.
  5. The vendors for this week are:  
  • Asian Wok  
  • Bohai Dumpling
  • Happy Family  
  • Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen


Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO




2015 10月07日



想要學或玩乒乓球嗎?不用再等了!本校乒乓球課將於本週六正式開課!讓我們歡迎乒乓球課老師 Gene TomJ。我們有兒童和成人課程。本課最多8人以及需要穿運動鞋上課。請上本校網站下戴更新的註冊單。

想要更多的活動和樂趣嗎?沒問題!本校將在11月7日舉辦漆彈活動!!活動地點在 Long Live Paintball, at Monroe Township, NJ. 活動是本校舉辦所以當天不會和外面團體合併。活動從早上到下午5pm結束。 每人$50元包所有裝備、午餐和水。詳細內容將會在本週電郵另行通知。希望大家踴躍參加!



溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站


10/17 -- 班級照相 Group1 10:20am to 11:00am Group1: KA[700], 1A[701], 2A[507], 3A[503], 5A[907], 7A[903], 8A[901], 9A[900], 10A[504], C1[805], C2[803], C4[801], C5[800], C6[500]

10/24 -- 班級照相 Group2 10:20am to 11:00am Group2: CSL1[913], CSL2 [911], CSL3[909], PC1[508], PC2[505], PC3[501], PC4[910], PC5[908], PC6[906], PC7[904], PC8[902], ACSL [905]

其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):



任何對玉器有興趣的家長請於10/10上午10點在406教室參加由Mr. Shunly Wang主講的研討會。此研討會將介紹硬玉和軟玉的差異以及不同等級的玉在價格和評定上的不同。出席的家長將會得到一個點數有助於學年末的家長會退費。每個家庭在整學年需要總共二個點數才可得到退費。

本校資源回收募款活動已經開始。請大家將家中不要的但狀況良好的衣服,書和玩具等捐贈出來。 我們會每週在學校大廳舉行拍賣募款。



  • Asian Wok  
  • Bohai Dumpling
  • Happy Family  
  • Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen




教務處及家長會 敬上