Week 14, 2015
Calvin Liu
January 10, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
Happy New Year !!!
Language classes and Culture classes resume this Saturday, 01/10/15.
Ms. Ashley of CSL3 is on vacation so there will be a substitute for her class.
MJCS Board meeting will be in session from 10am -11am.
Save The Date !!! CACA’s Annual Gala is scheduled for March 07, 2015 at the Somerset DoubleTree Hotel. This will be the biggest party of the school year. There will be over 200 people in attendance. This is a great time to meet good people from the other CACA Subgroups. Babysitting will be available. Please stop by the admin table for more information. This is a semi-formal event so make it a parent’s date night and support CACA and MJCS at the same time…..while having fun and dancing !!! Tickets are $75 per person, 6pm – 12am. (cocktail hour, 3 course meal, live music, exhibitions, DJ, raffle and good company). You do not want to miss this event !
Upcoming MJCS activities
- 01/17 – NO SCHOOL – MLK Jr. Day
- 01/24 – No Culture Class
- 01/24 – Chinese New Year Celebration (11:30-2:00)
- 02/07 – Spring Semester Begins (week 1)
- 02/14 – NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
- 02/19 – Chinese New Year – Year of the Sheep
- 03/07 – CACA Gala – Celebrating the Year of The Sheep
- 03/15 – ANJCS Chinese Chess Contest – Princeton Chinese School
PTO News:
- 1. Please stop by the PTO desk if you haven't picked up your child's class photos, they are available for pick up. Thank you to all the families who purchased class photos. Your support is very much appreciated.
- Please support PTO/ MJCS by continuing to purchase Shoprite and Hmart giftcards. We are just about reaching $8000 in giftcard sales, 5% goes to the school, that's $400!!!!
- Vendors this week:
Asian Wok
Bo Hai Dumpling
Happy Family
Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
2015 1月 10日
新年快樂. 希望大家新的一年身體健康, 開心快樂
經過兩個星期的長假, 這個星期六, 1月10日中文課和文藝課將會復課了.
CSL 的 Ashley老師, 因事將會缺課, 由代課老師代替
MJCS 的董事會會議 10am -11am
重要公告 1 :
請和我們一起慶祝中美文化協會(我們的上級組織CACA)週年慶典。時間:2015年3月7日,在Eatontown Double Tree Hotel舉行 , 希望大家不要錯過這個一年一度盛大的派對. 到時將有超過二百多人參加, 是一個認識其他CACA 成員的好機會. 而現場托兒有服務, 歡迎大家一家大小一起參加. 如果需要更多的資料, 請到教務處查詢. 希望大家多多支持這個CACA和MJCS 的活動. 門票每人$75元, 派對時間由6PM 到12AM.
溫馨小提示, 如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法, 請到䋞站http://www.mjcs.us/
- 01/17 –學校停課 –馬丁路德日
- 01/24 –文化課停課
- 01/24 –春節聯歡會 (11:30-2:00)
- 02/07 –春季班學期開始
- 02/14 –學校停課 -總統節停課
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
- 02/19 – 農曆新年-羊年
- 03/07 – CACA週年慶典
- 03/15 – ANJCS中國象棋比賽-普林斯頓中文學校
- 如果你還沒有購買你小孩的班級照片, 請到家長會購買. 非常感謝已經購買了的家長對我們的支持
- 希望各位家長繼續支持家長會的Hmart 和Shoprite 禮物劵義買. 到目前為止, 禮物劵義買已逹八千元, 銷售總額的5%將捐贈給家長會,到目前為止酬到四百元. 謝謝大家支持!
- 本周的美食攤位有朱記快樂小吃, 㴾海村,日式便當,秀玲台式小吃等。歡迎大家購買享用。