Week 2, 2014
Calvin Liu
2014年9月 13日
秋季註冊將于9月20日截止,轉班申請將于9月20日截止。 請大家留意, 中國書法是免
費課程, 希望大家抓緊機會報名參加, 學習這個中國傳統的藝術. 感謝所有校務人員,老師及熱心義工們的大力幫助,第二週中的家長迎新座談會圓滿完成。感謝家長會提供免費茶點。
本週六九月二十日是East Brunswick 日, 歡迎大家踴躍參加. 地址是 EB Culture Art Center, 721 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick. 節目由中午十二點到下午六點.
如果你有意要買車子, DCH Auto group 將在本校做一個市場調查. 希望大家不要錯過這個機會, 到學校的教務處查詢.
最後溫馨小提示,下個星期六, 九月二十七日因是秋假, 將會停課.
- 9/27 - 停課
- 10/4 - 班級照相 第一組10:40AM – 11:20AM; 消防演習10:30AM- 10:40AM
- 10/11 - 班級照相 第二組 10:20AM – 11:00AM
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
- 9/20 - East Brunswick 各族文化園遊會下午12-6 點在EB文化中心舉行,本校需要義工服務。如您能參與義務工作,請發email給pto@mjcs.us
- 9/27 - 新澤西中文學校協會祭孔大典將於愛迪生中文學校舉行
- 10/5 - 新澤西中文學校協會主辦的雙十升旗典禮,星期日上午10:00-12:00 Birchwood Manor, Whippany, NJ。中文學校協會需要義工服務。如您能參與義務工作,請發email給 principal@mjcs.us
本周的美食攤位有 李記臺式便當,日式便當,秀玲台式小吃等。歡迎大家購買享用。
September 20, 2014
Dear MJCS Families:
Fall registration ends this Saturday, 9/20, so please make sure you finalize your decisions. Class transfers also ends this Saturday, 9/20. Note : Calligraphy Culture Class is being offered to all students at no charge ! Please take advantage of this golden opportunity to learn the special art.
Thank you to all the parents that attended the New Parent Welcome reception, it was great to meet you. Thanks to all school staffs, teachers and enthusiastic volunteers for their great help, the New Parent Welcome reception was a success. Thanks to Yuey and Lin of the PTO for providing the delicious refreshments.
We are looking for volunteers to serve as “Class Parents.” The Class Parent’s job is to work with the PTO and the teachers to (1) help teachers as needed (2) keep all parents involved and (3) coordinate activities with the PTO for the class. Please inform the teacher if you can serve as a Class Parent.
Thank you in advance for your help !
This Saturday is East Brunswick Day. Come join MJCS and your fellow neighbors in a day of fun at the EB Culture Art Center – 721 Cranbury Road, in East Brunswick. Festivities will start at 12pm and end around 6pm so that will leave you plenty of time to stop by and say Hi ! I look forward to seeing you there.
For those of you looking to purchase a car, the DCH Auto Group is conducting a marketing program that may be beneficial to you and MJCS. Please stop by the Admin table in the cafetorium for details.
Reminder : Classes are NOT in session on Saturday, 9/27. East Brunswick’s schools will be closed for Fall Recess. Enjoy your long weekend.