Week 3, 2014
Calvin Liu
2013 10月4日
秋天已到, 天氣漸漸轉涼, 小孩上學的時候要記得多穿衣服.
本周六本校將有消防演習,時間是上午10:30 – 10:40。學校校務人員及青年義工,將會按照指示安排協助各班級就近疏散至各個出口門。隨附請見教室區及禮堂區疏散路線圖。
10月4日 將是第一組班級照相。 班級是:KA, 1A, 2A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, 9A, C8, C4。
10/12 將是第二組班級照相。 班級是:CK, C2, C3, CSL1, CSL2, CSL3, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7, PC8,3A
很高興大家對 East Brunswick 各族文化園遊會的支持, 也感激所有義工當天的幫忙.
溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞, 日歷, 表格或是聯洛資料, 請到學校䋞站: http://www.mjcs.us
- 10/11- 班級照相10:20AM – 11:00AM
- 10/18- 家長會早餐義賣和文藝課老師講坐
- 11/1-期中考 Mid-Term Exam ; 母姐會 Parent Teacher Conference 11:30AM ~ 12:30PM
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
10/5- 新澤西中文學校協會主辦的雙十升旗典禮,星期日上午10:00-12:00 Birchwood Manor, Whippany, NJ 如有興趣參加義工, 請聯繫: principal@mjcs.us
10/5 -中秋節絵畫比賽參賽作品截止日期. 小組1: 4-6 歲, 小組2: 7-9 歲, 小組3 : 10-12 歲. 獎品現金由$30 到$100.
11/8 - ANJCS 教師電腦講坐
- ShopRite and HMart gift cards are on sale! ShopRite and HMart donates 5% back our school with each purchase.
October 04, 2014
Dear MJCS Families:
Autumn has arrived, please dress your children accordingly as it is starting to get cold in the mornings.
FIRE DRILL around 10:30am……Know your closest exit !!!
Class Picture Day, 10/04, Group 1 ( KA, 1A, 2A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, 9A, 10A, CK, C1, C3, C4, C5).
There are some classes in need of volunteers to serve as “Class Parents.” The Class Parent’s job is to work with the PTO and the teachers to (1) help teachers as needed (2) keep all parents involved and (3) coordinate activities with the PTO for the class. Please inform the teacher if you can serve as a Class Parent. Thank you in advance for your time and help.
It was nice to see some familiar faces at East Brunswick Day. Thank you very much to those who dedicated their time to volunteer.
Sunday, 10/05, ANJCS Raising Flag Ceremony. Birchwood Manor, 111 North Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981.
For other ANJCS events: http://www.anjcs.org/
Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information: http://www.mjcs.us/
Upcoming MJCS activities
10/11 – Class Picture Day – Group 2 – 10:40am – 11:20am. Say Cheese !!!
10/18 – PTO Breakfast Sale. Yummy !!!
10/18 – Culture Teachers Conference 12:30-1:00
11/01 – Mid-Term exams – Parents / Teachers Conference 11:30-12:30
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
10/05 – ANJCS Raising Flag Ceremony at The Birchwood Manor, 111 North Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981. If you would like to volunteer, please contact principal@mjcs.us
10/05 – Due date for Mid-Autumn Festival Drawing contest. group 1 age 4-6, group 2 age 7-9, group 3 age 10-12, cash award $100 to $30.
11/08 – ANJCS Teacher Computer Seminar.
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO