Mid Jersey Chinese School Christmas Party and Karaoke!
Calvin Liu
Join us for the
Mid Jersey Chinese School
Christmas Party and Karaoke
Saturday 🎄 December 19
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Candy Canes 🎄Snacks 🎄Games 🎄Prizes 🎄Crafts
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.
Join us for the
Mid Jersey Chinese School
Christmas Party and Karaoke
Saturday 🎄 December 19
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Candy Canes 🎄Snacks 🎄Games 🎄Prizes 🎄Crafts
Dear Friends,
Taiwan Academy is delighted to present Fall 2015 Taiwan Film Series
We cordially invite you to attend the screening of
Fishing Luck on
Wednesday, November 18th, 6:30 pm at Taiwan Academy, B1 Screening Room
(1 East 42nd Street, NY, NY10017)
Complimentary Admission, RSVP required
To complete the RSVP, please click HERE fill the form and choose "submit" at the end of the form
Please do not directly reply to this email. For more information, please visit us on www.tpecc.org
駐紐約辦事處臺北文化中心臺灣書院舉辦2015 秋季電影 欣賞
我們 誠摯邀請您前來觀賞
11月18日(周三)下午6時30分 在紐約臺灣書院地下一樓放映廳
(1 East 42nd Street, NY, NY10017)
活動 免費參加,名額有限,請預先報名。
報名請按這裡,填妥參加回覆表格後,請按表格最下方"submit" (送出) 鍵即 完成報名
活動當天憑報名名字入場,本中心不再回覆確認,請勿直接回覆(reply) 本信 報名
欲知 更多節目內容,請瀏覽本中心網站:www.tpecc.org
Wants to have more fun from Chinese School? You got it! Mark on your calendar; our school will host a paintball trip on Saturday, 11/7/2015!! (no Chinese school that day)
Place: Long Live Paintball (website: http://longlivepaintball.com/)
Location: 1989 Englishtown Rd, Monroe Township, NJ
Time: 9:30am to 5pm the latest (please be there at 9:30am to get ready) on 11/7/2015
Cost: $50.00 per person (including gun with hopper, air tank, goggle system, pods, jumpsuit, tac vest, chest protector, 200 paintballs, lunch pizza and water).
PS. Highly suggest to bring own extra water in case we running out of the water
Additional paintball cost: $75.00 per 2000 rounds (we can easily share this cost between whoever needs more paintballs)
Dress code: casual outfit with sneakers or boots
This activity is the private outing package which means we will play with our own group only, no outsider combined!
The games will be played on different ground settings. One of the games will be for students vs. school staff and parents :)
Please e-mail to: gotovince1@gmail.com for sign up by giving your name, phone umber and how many people will attend. Please submit the payment at school by 10/31.
It's safe and fun! Let's go out and play!
CMP Chinese School
70 Mulberry Street, 3/FL.,
New York, NY 10013,
僑務委員會為慶祝中華民國104年雙十國慶,將於10 月2 日在大紐約地區公演,由新州北部美華聯誼會主辦,特邀成軍86年國家級劇團明華園歌仔戲團領銜演出,此趟一行文武場演員、樂師38人盛大規模出訪,有別於往年藝人演唱的綜藝訪問團,實屬難得,將帶給大紐約地區僑胞以「台灣傳統戲曲」為主軸,創新呈現最完美的「東方音樂劇」饗宴。
Park Performing Arts Center
560 32nd Street
Union City, NJ 07087
演出時間: 7:00 PM, Friday, October 2, 2015
演出戲碼: 英雄佳人:鴛鴦槍‧護國將軍+互動式演出
紐約地區購票僑胞可於當日下午5時30分在紐約台灣會館(137-44 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY 11354)搭乘免費巴士前往,預計於9時搭車返回紐約,敬請把握機會,邀請親友共襄盛舉。
紐約華僑文教服務中心 敬啟
133-32 41st Road, Flushing, NY 11355
We finally have the result for 5/13 essay and drawing contest, BIG THANKS to teacher Rebecca Shum , teacher Yueh-Chin [group A/B]; teacher Carol Hsu, teacher Beverly Roun for their diligent efforts in judging the essays and drawings. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks all the students who participated in this event.
5月13日作文/繪畫比賽成績公佈如下: 感謝邱淑儀老師, 范姜月琴老師[A,B 組]/ 許碧容老師, 莊麗鳳老師[C,D 組] 費心評審。恭喜所有獲獎同學, 也謝謝各位同學的努力。
Group A
1 st place 10A Perry Huang
2 nd place 8A 陳愛莊 Ichung Tan
3 rd place 7A 周采葳 Jessica Chou
Group B
1 st place 6A譚安蕊 Erin Tan
2 nd place 6A盧薇薇 Kristy Chereath
3 rd place 4A 王飛鵬 Brian Wang
Group C -
1 st place C3 鍾淑英 Vivian Chung
2nd place PC3馮安兒 Adriana Fung
3 rd place PC3 鄧嘉恩 Kelly Tang
3 rd place PC3 劉愷翔 Christopher Lau
Group D -
1 st place 1A 王科傑 Aaron Wang
1 st place PC1 Jaden He
2015 Registration Form 快樂健康生活營報名表
2015 Medical Consent Form 醫療授權書
請洽慈濟新澤西分會 Tel: (973)857-8666 Fax: (973)857-9555
1. 分組 Grouping
2. 中文作文比賽規則 Chinese Essay Contest Rules
1) 比賽時間限定為1小時;比賽開始十分鐘後未出席者,視同棄權。
Contest time is 1 hour; Student will be disqualified for not showing up in 10 minutes.
2) 學生可以帶字典和問老師字的寫法, 但不能帶預先寫好的紙入考場.
Students are allowed to bring dictionary and ask teacher for help on words they cannot write, but no pre-written essay are allowed to bring in the classroom during the contest.
3) 比賽格式為一般作文格式,每篇至少三個段落。學校會提供作文比賽用紙。
The essay format is each essay requires at least three paragraphs. School will provide the essay paper.
4) 比賽請用藍、黑色原子筆或鉛筆;字體不拘,字數不限。
Please use blue or black ball pens or pencil; type of fonts and number of words are not limited
5) 評分標準Score evaluation includes:
主題(Meet the Subject):是否能切合主題發揮 30%
文筆(Writing Fluency):文筆是否流暢 25%
內容(Content):內容是否吸引人 25%
修辭(Rhetoric):詞藻是否妥切適合且優美 20%
3. 繪畫比賽規則 Drawing Contest Rules
4. 比賽日期時間及地點 Contest Date, time and place
2015年5月2日早上10:30-11:30 在各班教室
May 2nd, 2015 10:30-11:30AM in the classroom.
5. 比賽成績將于2015年5月16日公布在禮堂公布欄及學校網站上
The final results will be announced on May 16th, 2015 and posted on the bulletin board at cafetorium and school website.
Michelle Pao
TEL:1-718-886-7770 ext 106
133-32 41st Road
Flushing, NY 11355
愈來愈多的家長們認同學習 華語是華裔子弟在文化認同上的基本 需求。這個營隊是專門 提供給華裔青少年暑期參加 中文的學習 活動;以增加 交流機會、學習中華傳統國粹、藝術之機會,藉以認識中華歷史文化及瞭解台灣發展實況。
Our program provides various learning of Chinese language, acknowledgement of different cultures, practical social manners. Through creative and interesting curriculum, we are dedicated to assist overseas Chinese youth to learn not only how to speak, listen, read and write Chinese but also to acquire deeper understanding of Chinese history and culture. The most important purpose is to help overseas Chinese youth to be proud of being a Chinese.
Our curriculum is well designed to help students develop their creativity, ability of express themselves, enhance their self-confidence and establish their global view and national consciousness.
紐約救國團之友會 FOCYC
Tel & Fax: (516)873-0678
Email: info@nychineseyouth.org
ACTFL is a two part test. First part is WPT - written test, second part is OPI oral test. The following information is compiled from comments sent in from students who took the test in the past.
Results are provided in levels. There are 3 levels, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced, and within each level there is low, mid and high proficiency. East Brunswick students will earn 5 credits for Novice level, and 10 credits for intermediate level (must earn intermediate in both written and oral to obtain 10 credits). MJCS works with the East Brunswick school administration to apply the credit to the student’s high school transcript. The student must be a current student of East Brunswick High School (grades 9 - 12) in order to obtain credits.
There is a $199 fee paid to Language Testing International (the testing firm) for the test; MJCS will collect the payments of checks made to MJCS and make a single payment to the testing firm. To encourage students, MJCS provides a reward of $50 to students who obtain Novice level, and $100 to students who obtain Intermediate level (on both oral and written).
133-32 41st Rd.
Flushing, NY 11355
黃怡玫(Yi-Mei Huang)(編劇<Envelopes>紅包)、陳慧穎(Huei-Yin Chen)(編導<Holding My Absence> 不在)、林明學(Mitch Lin)(配樂<On Board> 阿公的玩具火車)、郭孟玫(Meng-Mei Kuo)(配樂<Owl and Mouse>貓頭鷹與老鼠)、陳慧(Hui Chen)(電影美術<M.D.O>、 <Sleepy Hollow>斷頭谷傳奇、<Carrie>魔女嘉莉)、楊婕(Chieh Yang)(編導<Starry Eyes>幸運星)、劉易(Yi Liu)(編導<D-Day>)、卓庭伍(Ting-Wu Cho)(編導<The Rope>繩)、陳幼欣(You-Shin Chen)(電影美術<Suicide?!> 自殺?!、<The Birds> 鳥)、林佑亭(Yu-Ting Lin)(電影美術<The Thin Man>瘦人)、陳昱璇(You-Hsuan Chen)(電影美術<The Thin Man>瘦人、< Cheongsam>旗袍)。
陳敏郎導演《你的今天和我的明天》(Tomorrow comes today)
劇本是在敘述到紐約投靠父親的台灣男生 達一(黃尚禾飾),在紐約中餐店當外送小弟。隨身帶着一張老照片,逢人便問:“你有没有見過我媽?”照片上卻是美國30年代巨星瑪琳黛德厲(Marlene Dietrich);他的白人室友偉恩以清潔公用電話维生,在夜半回蕩纽约街頭。偉恩透過各種方法希望忘掉鐘情女孩的電話號碼,偶然邂逅双胞胎姊妹,開啓了一段新戀情的可能,卻分不清愛的是姐姐還是妹妹。看似毫不相干的兩個人,在生命中若有似無地交會。
壹玖八七工作室(1987 Studio) 《時下暴力》
壹玖八七工作室(1987 Studio)是由廖哲毅、陳心龍集合60位1987(加減3)年出生、平均年齡25歲,領域橫跨音樂、舞蹈、藝術、影像編導、行銷和製作的一群人。《時下暴力》為「壹玖八七工作室」第一部以院線片規格的長片電影。
時下暴力 劇情介紹:
取材自一九五三年東尼獎最佳劇本,知名劇作家亞瑟米勒代表作〈鎔爐〉(The Crucible),為中古世紀隱含諸多對人性諷喻的女巫審判冤案。《時下暴力》首度將舞台劇融入電影,並於現代校園時空呈現出人性的荒謬與怪誕。由劇場界重量級演員朱宏章、謝盈萱與新銳演員李劭婕、呂名堯出演,精彩挑戰於雙重時空分飾兩角。製作團隊為平均二十五歲素人團隊,跳脫框架帶來全新氣象。
《時下暴力》的放映時間定於1/17 傍晚6pm-7:30pm & 1/18 5pm-6:30pm
謝沛如導演 (Pei-Ju Hsieh)短片《Knighthood》
台灣藝術大學電影系學士,美國哥倫比亞大學電影創作導演組碩士。曾任輔導金電影《你的今天和我的明天》第二副導。其畢業短片《Knighthood》曾入選2013年金馬影展台灣短打單元、美國棕櫚泉短片電影節(Palm Springs International Film Festival)、舊金山國際同志電影節(San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival)等影展。
十歲的王麗夢想成為一名英勇的騎士,她最喜歡和她的幻想朋友上山下海,到處冒險,但是今天媽媽竟然要拖著她去買一件她不想穿的盔甲: 少女內衣。童年即將結束,冒險才正要開始!
林佳靜導演(Chia-Ching Lin)短片《我的瑪凱特旅程》
林佳靜,台灣導演,多媒體藝術工作者及舞台設計師。畢業於台灣中山大學劇場藝術系後,從美國費城天普大學(Temple University)取得電影與媒體藝術(Film and Media Arts) 碩士學位(M.F.A)。她的短片作品曾多次獲得費城當地媒體組織補助並放映於許多國內外的電影節與學術研討會。她的大型裝置藝術展覽 Troupe de Fetishe,曾特展於費城知名的藝廊 The Crane Art Building. 她的舞台設計作品曾獲得2007國際布拉格劇場設計四年展台灣區學生設計首獎,並於2007年代表台灣學生赴布拉格參與Scenofest特區展。
目前在費城和朋友成立自己的工作室 SPIRIT ANIMAL,提供全方位多媒體及後製服務。服務對象涵蓋費城在地以及國際化市場。
林佳靜導演 的 短片《我的瑪凱特旅程》(Maquette 1:1000),入圍第20屆女性影展「風格短片集」以及費城美裔華人影展。
Knighthood 與《我的瑪凱特旅程》(Maquette 1:1000)
將於1/18 週日 3:45-4:30播放
時間: 1月16日(星期五)晚上6點30分。影展開幕酒會以及《Salute To Broadway: 聽電影》表演
1 East 42nd Street,
New York, NY 10017
影展FB Event page
Opening reception/ cabaret performance
Jan 16th, 2015 6:30 pm @ 1 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017
Salute To Broadway- Movie Sings will be the opening show. .
Exhibition: January 15th -21th, 2015
<Spotlight on New York: 2015 Taiwanese Student Film Exhibition> is a one-week film exhibition supported by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York that brings together young Taiwanese filmmakers studying and working in New York to showcase their works. There are 11 young filmmakers from New York University and Columbia University graduate Film programs. The exhibition includes 15 works of directing, screenwriting, producing, cinematography, film scoring and production design.<Spotlight on New York> presents a variety of aspects of film making arts and provides the platform for young Taiwanese filmmakers to share their ideas and creativity.
Please come join us!
由駐紐約臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組主辦的「聚焦.紐約-2015台灣學人影展」,聚集了11位目前於紐約進修電影相關系所的同學與新銳,將于2015年1月15 日至21日進行為期一周的展覽。募集來自于紐約大學及哥倫比亞大學電影研究所、劇場及電影設計研究所、電影及多媒體配樂研究所的同學進行聯展。展覽內容涵蓋編劇、導演、演員、製片、攝影、電影配樂以及電影美術,以呈現電影藝術的多面向。15件展品,內容由動態影像、短片、配樂到靜態劇照、樂譜、場景模型與製圖,將於臺北經濟文化辦事處展出。
時間: 1月16日(星期五)晚上6點30分。影展開幕茶會以及《Salute To Broadway: 聽電影》表演,請先報名,現場敬備茶點!報名網址: http://goo.gl/forms/R6c6U2uo3g
★取材自1996 奧斯卡最佳改編劇本提名電影《激情年代 The Crucible》
影展FB Event page