作文及繪畫比賽細則 / Essay and Drawing Contest Details
Calvin Liu
1. 分組 Grouping
2. 中文作文比賽規則 Chinese Essay Contest Rules
1) 比賽時間限定為1小時;比賽開始十分鐘後未出席者,視同棄權。
Contest time is 1 hour; Student will be disqualified for not showing up in 10 minutes.
2) 學生可以帶字典和問老師字的寫法, 但不能帶預先寫好的紙入考場.
Students are allowed to bring dictionary and ask teacher for help on words they cannot write, but no pre-written essay are allowed to bring in the classroom during the contest.
3) 比賽格式為一般作文格式,每篇至少三個段落。學校會提供作文比賽用紙。
The essay format is each essay requires at least three paragraphs. School will provide the essay paper.
4) 比賽請用藍、黑色原子筆或鉛筆;字體不拘,字數不限。
Please use blue or black ball pens or pencil; type of fonts and number of words are not limited
5) 評分標準Score evaluation includes:
主題(Meet the Subject):是否能切合主題發揮 30%
文筆(Writing Fluency):文筆是否流暢 25%
內容(Content):內容是否吸引人 25%
修辭(Rhetoric):詞藻是否妥切適合且優美 20%
3. 繪畫比賽規則 Drawing Contest Rules
- 比賽時間限定為1小時;比賽開始十分鐘後未出席者,視同棄權。
Contest time is 1 hour; Student will be disqualified for not showing up in 10 minutes. - 學生不能帶預先畫好的紙入考場.
Students are not allowed to bring pre-drawn paper in the classroom during the contest. - 圖畫規格:學校會提供繪畫比賽用紙 (9”x12” 繪畫比賽用紙)
Paper Size: School will provide the paper for Drawing Contest. - 繪畫方式:蠟筆,彩色鉛筆,彩色筆
By crayon, color pencils or color markers - 評分標準包含繪畫內容,美感,繪畫技巧及配合主題等。
Score evaluation includes content, beauty, painting techniques and meets the subject, etc.
4. 比賽日期時間及地點 Contest Date, time and place
2015年5月2日早上10:30-11:30 在各班教室
May 2nd, 2015 10:30-11:30AM in the classroom.
5. 比賽成績將于2015年5月16日公布在禮堂公布欄及學校網站上
The final results will be announced on May 16th, 2015 and posted on the bulletin board at cafetorium and school website.