Spotlight on New York: 2015 Taiwanese Student Film Exhibition 《聚焦.紐約-2015 台灣學人影展》
Calvin Liu
Opening reception/ cabaret performance
Jan 16th, 2015 6:30 pm @ 1 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017
Salute To Broadway- Movie Sings will be the opening show. .
Exhibition: January 15th -21th, 2015
<Spotlight on New York: 2015 Taiwanese Student Film Exhibition> is a one-week film exhibition supported by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York that brings together young Taiwanese filmmakers studying and working in New York to showcase their works. There are 11 young filmmakers from New York University and Columbia University graduate Film programs. The exhibition includes 15 works of directing, screenwriting, producing, cinematography, film scoring and production design.<Spotlight on New York> presents a variety of aspects of film making arts and provides the platform for young Taiwanese filmmakers to share their ideas and creativity.
Please come join us!
由駐紐約臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組主辦的「聚焦.紐約-2015台灣學人影展」,聚集了11位目前於紐約進修電影相關系所的同學與新銳,將于2015年1月15 日至21日進行為期一周的展覽。募集來自于紐約大學及哥倫比亞大學電影研究所、劇場及電影設計研究所、電影及多媒體配樂研究所的同學進行聯展。展覽內容涵蓋編劇、導演、演員、製片、攝影、電影配樂以及電影美術,以呈現電影藝術的多面向。15件展品,內容由動態影像、短片、配樂到靜態劇照、樂譜、場景模型與製圖,將於臺北經濟文化辦事處展出。
時間: 1月16日(星期五)晚上6點30分。影展開幕茶會以及《Salute To Broadway: 聽電影》表演,請先報名,現場敬備茶點!報名網址:
★取材自1996 奧斯卡最佳改編劇本提名電影《激情年代 The Crucible》
影展FB Event page