RSVP for Complimentary Admission to Taiwan Film Series "Attabu I I" at Taiwan Academy on May 26th, 6:30pm
Calvin Liu
Dear Friends,
Taiwan Academy is delighted to present Spring 2016 Taiwan Film Series
We cordially invite you to attend the screening of
Attabu II
Thursday, May 26th, 6:30 pm at Taiwan Academy, B1 Screening Room
(1 East 42nd Street, NY, NY10017)
Complimentary Admission, RSVP required
To complete the RSVP, please click HERE fill the form and choose "submit" at the end of the form
Please do not directly reply to this email. For more information, please visit us on
親愛 的朋友們,
駐紐約辦事處臺北文化中心臺灣書院舉辦2016 春季電影欣賞
5月26日(周四)下午6時30分 在紐約臺灣書院地下一樓放映廳
(1 East 42nd Street, NY, NY10017)
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