
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


蔡明亮新作《那日下午》Metrograph首映, 經典舊作《不散》再訪紐約 / Tsai Ming-liang’s latest film Afternoon and beloved classic Goodbye Dragon Inn, Coming in Early April

Calvin Liu



國際知名導演蔡明亮最新劇情長片《那日下午》(Afternoon)將於4月1日在紐約下城華埠區新開幕之藝術電影院Metrograph首映。知名電影專業機構紐約影像博物館(Museum of The Moving Image),也將於4月2日放映蔡明亮向經典武俠片《龍門客棧》致敬的《不散》。無論在電影院或博物館,紐約觀眾都可以再次在大銀幕上溫故知新蔡明亮的電影創作,喜歡蔡明亮作品的影迷不可錯過!活動詳情請上MetrographMuseum of Moving Image網站查詢。

l   《那日下午》(Afternoon

4月1日pm 5:30/Metrograph(7 Ludlow Street, New York)*紐約首映

l   《不散》(Goodbye, Dragon Inn

4月2日pm 7:00/Museum of The Moving Image(36-01 35 Ave, Astoria)


Tsai Ming-liang’s latest film Afternoon and beloved classic Goodbye Dragon Inn, Coming in Early April

Taipei Cultural Center in New York is delighted to announce that the internationally acclaimed auteur Tsai Ming-liang’s latest feature Afternoon will be presented at the new arthouse cinema Metrograph on April 1 while his ever astonishing Goodbye, Dragon Inn will be showed at the Museum of the Moving Image on April 2. For more information, please visit: Metrograph and MoMI


Friday, April 1 at 5:30 p.m. at Metrograph7 Ludlow Street, New York

Goodbye, Dragon Inn

Saturday, April 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the Museum of the Moving Image36-01 35 Ave, Astoria