May 20, 2023 Newsletter
Jon Lee
Dear Parents, teachers and Students,
Early Registration for 2023-2024 already starts. We strongly encourage parents to register now to enjoy the $50 special discount. This will enable the school to secure the best selection of teachers, staff and resources based on the enrollment data.
For registration and details, please visit
You are invited to attend Unity Walk.
Tue, May 23, 2023
Rain Date: Thu, May 25,2023
Sign Making – 7:00 pm, Program Starts –7:30 pm
Location: East Brunswick Municipal Pond 1 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive
Upcoming school events:
1) May 27 – Memorial Day, No School
2) Jun 10 – Final Exam
School Picnic 12:00-2:00pm
2023-2024 學年的預早註冊已開始,我們強烈建議家長盡早註冊以享受 $50 的特別折扣。學校也可以根據招生數據盡快選擇及鎖定最佳的教師、員工和資源。
Unity Walk 將於 5 月 23 日在 East Brunswick Municipal Pond 1 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive舉辦,詳情請參閱附件。
1) 5 月 27 日 – 國殤日停課
2) 6 月 10 日 – 期末考
學校野餐 12:00pm ~ 2:00pm
3) 6 月 17 日 – 結業典禮
1) 海外青年文化大使(FASCA)新生培訓」將於2023年7月10日至7月12日在Days Hotel(195 NJ-18, East Brunswick, NJ 08816)辦理,名額有限,歡迎14至17歲的臺裔青少年踴躍報名參加。詳情及報名請上
2) CACA 夏令營將於 7 月 24 日至 7 月 28 日在 新澤西若歌教會舉辦,詳情及報名請瀏覽 :