Newsletter 9/6/22
Jon Lee
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to MJCS. I am excited to see you all in person for the upcoming school year after two years of remote learning. As the oldest Chinese school in New Jersey, MJCS strives to provide the best and most unique learning experience for Chinese language and culture. I am honored to serve my second term as principal again after twelve years. I am looking forward to celebrating our school's 60th anniversary with all of you next year.
Due to the new security measures implemented by East Brunswick Board of Education, our calendar has been updated to coincide with the afternoon Hua Xia Chinese School to accommodate these changes. As such, please note that our school will start on September 17, which will be a week later than usual.
Hope you all will have a wonderful time in MJCS and see you in mid-September.
歡迎來到中部中文學校! 經過兩年的線上課程,我很高興在即將到來的學年與大家見面。 作為新州歷史最悠久的中文學校,本校致力提供最好、最獨特的語言和文化學習體驗。我很榮幸在十二年後再任校長之職。 我期待明年與大家一起慶祝創校六十週年。
由於East Brunswick 教育局實施的安全措施,本校校曆需要與華夏中文學校的同步。 校務處決定順延至 9 月 17 日開學。
希望同學們在校能渡過美好的時光! 九月中見。