9/30/2022 Newsletter
Jon Lee
Dear Parents, teachers and Students,
It is so nice to see you all. I hope you all had a nice break. We are looking forward to seeing all this Sat for Parents Welcome Meeting 10:40am to 11:30am
Please follow the updated BOE security guidelines as follows:
1) Parents may pull along the curb line and drop off students at the door #39
2) Parents are not allowed to accompany their children into the school.
3) Younger students will be led to their classroom by youth volunteers or staff.
4) Parents should not enter from the back of the school off of Renee Rd
5) Do not park in unauthorized areas.
We have two adult culture classes offered this year:
Zumba 10:00 am - 11:00 am $60/10 classes, $50/7 classes
Yoga by Mary Pan, certified Yoga teacher 10:00 am - 11:00 am $140/semester, $280/year
Upcoming school events:
1) Oct 15 – No school
很高興和大家見面了。 希望你們度過了一個愉快的假期。我們期待在周六 10:40 am - 11:30 am 家長歡迎會與各位家長見面。
請注意及遵守East Brunswick教育局更新的安全指引如下:
1) 家長可泊在靠近#39 門囗的路邊將學生放下
2) 家長不允許陪同孩子進校
3) 青年義工或工作人員會帶領年幼學生至教室
4) 家長不得從 Renee Rd 學校的後方進入
5) 不可在未經許可的地方停車
今年我們開設了兩個成人文化班, 歡迎參加:
Zumba 10:00 am - 11:00 am $60/ 10 課,$50/ 7課
瑜伽 – Mary Pan 認證瑜伽老師 10:00 am - 11:00 am $140/學期,$280/年
10 月 15 日 - 放假