March 19, 2022
Jon Lee
Just a friendly reminder, this Saturday, March 19th is the Mid-term. Good luck to all our students.
It is with our deepest sorrow that we inform you the passing of our beloved Ping Pong culture class teacher, Gene Tom. He passed away on March 15th from brain cancer. He was a friendly and dedicated teacher whom all of his students love. He was taken from us at a young age, leaving behind his wife and two daughters. To help the family during difficult this time and cover the cost of his funeral, we hope that you would open your heart and donate to this Gofundme page. Any amount would help. Thank you for your generosity in advance.
This year, we are going for a digital year book. Please send your photos to as soon as possible. Thank you.
Please save the day, CACA Summer Camp is back this year. It is from July 25 ~ 29, 2022. More detail information will send out later.
友情提醒,這個星期六,3 月 19 日是期中考試。 祝我們所有的學生好運。
我們懷著最深切的悲痛通知您,我們敬愛的乒乓文化課老師 Gene Tom 去世了。 他於 3 月 15 日因腦癌去世, 留下了他的妻子和兩個女兒。 他是一位友好而敬業的老師,他的所有學生都喜歡他。為了在這段艱難的時期幫助家人並支付他的葬禮費用,我們希望您敞開心扉,為這個 Gofundme 頁面捐款。 任何數量都會有所幫助。 提前感謝您的慷慨。