
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Newsletter February 26, 2022

Jon Lee

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,    

Congratulations to the Cantonese Speech Contest winners. You worked hard and did so great.  So proud of you!  

First Place: Antonia Hartmann 夏安姸
Second Place: Caylee Chou
 Third Place:  Anna Hartmann 夏安妮  & Angela Hartmann 

First Place:  Mikaylee Ho 何芷琪
Second Place:  Amanda Lam 林庭玉

First Place:  Zachary Ho   

This year, we are going for a digital year book.  Please send your photos to  as soon as possible.   Thank you.       

Please save the day, CACA Summer Camp is back this year.  It is from July 25 ~ 29, 2022. More detail information will send out later. 

This year's national AP Chinese exam is scheduled to be held online on March 26 and March 27. The scope, method, and scoring criteria of the test are all handled in the same way as the College Board AP Chinese test. Students in grades 6-12 in Chinese schools are welcome to sign up and prepare for the College Board AP Chinese test. The 2022 AP Chinese Review Exam Guideline is attached, please check it out.

 We are in search of outstanding potential Chinese athletes to participate in Asian Olympic sports events.  If you are interested, please fill out the attached "Complete Form of Outstanding Potential Chinese Athletes Who Can Participate in Asian Olympic Sports Competitions", and email it to Michelle Pao, luling0704@gmail.combefore February 25th 



第一名: Antonia Hartmann 夏安姸
第二名: Caylee Chou
 第三名: Anna Hartmann 夏安妮 & Angela Hartmann

第一名: Mikaylee Ho 何芷琪
第二名: Amanda Lam 林庭玉

第一名: Zachary Ho

今年,我們將準備一本數字年鑑。 請盡快將您的照片發送至。 謝謝你。

請保存這一天,CACA 夏令營今年又回來了。 時間為 2022 年 7 月 25 日至 29 日。更多詳細信息將在稍後發送。

本年度的全美AP中文考試 訂於3月26日及3月27日在網上舉行。考試範圍、方式、評分標準等項目,均比照College Board AP中文考試的形式辦理。歡迎中文學校6-12年級的學生報名,為參加College Board AP中文考試提早做準備。兹附上 2022全美AP中文複習考試簡章 ,。
