
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


December 2, 2022 Newsletter

Jon Lee

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving.

We just got an email from EB school saying that room 1415 was used on 11/19 as shown by the security camera.  “There was writing on the board in Chinese, the room was left in disarray, a key chain was left on the teacher's desk.” Room 1415 is not an assigned classroom and it is not on our permit to use .We would like to ask the parents and teachers reminding the students to stay in their own classrooms and keep the classrooms neat, clean and in order as it is. Your cooperation with the school usage policy and conduct is appreciated. 

Our calendar has changed as follows.  

1) Dec 3 –  Fire Drill is postponed until further notice.

2) Dec 17 –  Christmas Celebration 10:30am ~ 11:30am 
Please come and join us with Santa for games and prizes, as well as cookies and candies.

3) Jan 18  –  Chinese New Year Celebration 10:30am ~ 11:30am 
Please come and join us for performances and lunch.

Upcoming school events:

1)  Dec 17  – Christmas Celebration

2)  Dec 24, Dec 31 – Christmas break, No school



學校剛收到 EB 學校的一封電子郵件,說監控攝錄顯示教室1415 在 11/19有被使用。 “黑板上寫著中文,房間裡亂七八糟,鑰匙鏈留在老師的桌子上 ”  教室1415不是指定的教室,也不是許可使用的。請家長和老師提醒學生留在自己的教室裡,保持教室整潔、乾淨和有條不紊,注意及遵守學校使用的政策和指引,感謝您的配合。


1) 12 月 3 日 – 消防演習將延期至另行通知。

2) 12 月 17 日 – 聖誕節聯歡會 10:30am ~ 11:30am 

3) 1 月 28 日 –  春節聯歡會 10:30am ~ 11:30am 


1) 12 月 17 日 –  聖誕節聯歡會 

2) 12 月 24 日,12 月 31 日 – 聖誕節假期, 停課