MJCS Newsletter 學校通訊 2/20/2021
Steve Su
Dear MJCS family,
Happy Lunar New Year! The East Brunswick Township TV will broadcast a special program for Lunar New Year celebration on Mar 9. We were invited to provide a program for Chinese New Year Greetings. Students may record a short video clip during the class or anytime, and submit the video by 2/21/21 Sunday.
Below please find the information for Association of New Jersey Chinese School (ANJCS) Yo-Yo Contest -
The contest registration link can be find here - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnRV6T3najpGtSFQlzob1eaYncMrxzNNAH65LbjoIDiRcKbQ/viewform
Online Registration is still ongoing. If you would like to register, please visit our school website at: www.mjcs.us and select “Registration” to proceed.
MJCS Admin
我們的線上註冊仍在進行中。如果您想註冊,請至學校官網 www.mjcs.us 點選“註冊”。
紐澤西中部中文學校教務處 謹啟