MJCS NEWSLETTER 學校通訊 10/2/21
Steve Su
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, October 02, 2021
Just a friendly reminder, Sat, Oct 02 is the last day for registration and change of class.
It was great to see all the parents who attended last week’s virtual School Parents Welcome Meeting. Thank you for your great suggestions.
I also want to give a shout out to the students who perform at the Confucius Memorial Ceremony on 9/25 at Jersey Shore Chinese School. You did a great job. We are very proud of you!
ANJCS Double 10 Flag Raising Ceremony will be held on 10/3 at Holmdel High School, from 10am to 1pm. 38 Crawford Corner Rd, Holmdel, NJ 07733. Wearing a face mask is required.
In-class speech contest is scheduled on 10/30/2022. Please encourage your child to participate and help your child to prepare. Please contact your child’s teacher should you need assistance. Topics and rules are attached or you can visit our website www.mjcs.us
This year, the Annual East Brunswick Day will be on Saturday, October 3 (rain date October 10, 2021) at East Brunswick Community Arts Center from 12pm – 4pm. There are family entertainment and activities set up throughout the community center playground. Please bring your family to enjoy the fun activities. PTO is setting up a booth at the EB Day to promote our school to the local community. We are looking for volunteers to help with the booth. Please remember to sign up for PTO sign-up sheet.
Please note that our method of communication will primarily by e-mail. Please provide us with your current e-mail address. In addition, please visit our school website at www.mjcs.us for weekly newsletter, calendar and other updates on events. The students’ Mid-Autumn Drawing On-line Contest has been uploaded. For additional information, please go to our website at www.mjcs.us. We also encourage you to join our MJCS Facebook Group.
Finally, we are looking for a volunteer to fill our school’s Administration staff position. This is a great opportunity for you to actively engage in your child’s education. Should you be interested, please feel free to reach out to me at mjcs.principal@gmail.com
Best Regards,
Anli Fang
親愛的學生、家長和監護人,2021 年 10 月 2 日
友情提示,10 月 2 日星期六是註冊和換班的最後一天。
我還要向在 9/25 日在澤西海岸中文學校舉行的孔子紀念儀式上表演的學生們致敬。你做的非常出色。我們為你感到驕傲!
ANJCS 雙 10 升旗儀式將於 10 月 3 日上午 10 點至下午 1 點在 Holmdel 高中舉行。 38 Crawford Corner Rd, Holmdel, NJ 07733。需要戴口罩。
課堂演講比賽定於 10/30/2022。請鼓勵您的孩子參與並幫助您的孩子做好準備。如果您需要幫助,請聯繫您孩子的老師。附上主題和規則,或者您可以訪問我們的網站 www.mjcs.us
今年,一年一度的東不倫瑞克日(East Brunswick Day)將於 10 月 3 日星期六(下雨日期 2021 年 10 月 10 日)中午 12 點至下午 4 點在東不倫瑞克社區藝術中心舉行。整個社區中心的操場上都設置了家庭娛樂和活動。請帶上您的家人來享受有趣的活動。 PTO 將在 EB 日設立一個展位,以向當地社區宣傳我們的學校。我們正在尋找志願者來幫助展位。請記住註冊 PTO 註冊表。
請注意,我們的溝通方式主要是通過電子郵件。請向我們提供您當前的電子郵件地址。此外,請訪問我們的學校網站 www.mjcs.us 以獲取每週時事通訊、日曆和其他活動更新。學生中秋繪畫在線比賽已上傳。如需更多信息,請訪問我們的網站 www.mjcs.us。我們也鼓勵您加入我們的 MJCS Facebook 群組。
最後,我們正在尋找一名志願者來填補我們學校的行政人員職位。這是您積極參與孩子教育的絕佳機會。如果您有興趣,請隨時通過 mjcs.principal@gmail.com 與我聯繫
Anli Fang