MJCS NEWSLETTER 學校通訊 10/16/21
Steve Su
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, October 16, 2021
Save the date, this year annual East Brunswick Unity walk is an IN-PERSON event scheduled for October 25, at 5:30 pm. (Rain Date: Oct 28) at the Municipal Pound. The event featured speakers from within and outside of our community and it focused on our rich diversity. The main focus of this program is to celebrate diversity; encourage communication and understanding and addresses the causes, impact, and prevention of bias-related incidents in the township. Please stop by to support this special event.
In-class speech contest is scheduled on 10/30/2021. Please encourage your child to participate and help your child to prepare. Please contact your child’s teacher should you need assistance. Topics and rules are attached or you can visit our website www.mjcs.us
Please note that our method of communication will primarily by e-mail. Please provide us with your current e-mail address. In addition, please visit our school website at www.mjcs.us for weekly newsletter, calendar and other updates on events. The students’ Mid-Autumn Drawing On-line Contest has been uploaded. For additional information, please go to our website at www.mjcs.us. We also encourage you to join our MJCS Facebook Group.
Best Regards,
Anli Fang
親愛的學生、家長和監護人,2021 年 10 月 16 日
今年一年一度的東不倫瑞克團結步行活動定於 10 月 25 日下午 5:30 舉行。 (下雨日期:10 月 28 日)在市政。該活動邀請了來自我們社區內外的演講者,重點關注我們豐富的多樣性。
課堂演講比賽定於 10/30/2021。請鼓勵您的孩子參與並幫助您的孩子做好準備。如果您需要幫助,請聯繫您孩子的老師。附上主題和規則,或者您可以訪問我們的網站 www.mjcs.us
請注意,我們的溝通方式主要是通過電子郵件。請向我們提供您當前的電子郵件地址。此外,請訪問我們的學校網站 www.mjcs.us 以獲取每週時事通訊、日曆和其他活動更新。學生中秋繪畫在線比賽已上傳。如需更多信息,請訪問我們的網站 www.mjcs.us。我們也鼓勵您加入我們的 MJCS Facebook 群組。