MJCS Newsletter 學校通訊 12/12/2020
Steve Su
Dear MJCS family,
Hope everyone has a nice week so far! The In School Cantonese Speech Contest this semester will be pre-recorded video setting. Below please find the link for topic and video submit rules FYI. Please provide the topic to your teacher and submit the video by 1/2/2021 Saturday. Please encourage your student to prepare for the speech. It's a great and fun way to learn Chinese!
MJCS PTO Newsletter - 12/12/20
MJCS PTO Five Below Fundraiser! MJCS PTO will be hosting a fundraiser this week at Five Below in East Brunswick (located at 607 Route 18 S.) Our event will be held from Thursday, December 10 to Wednesday, December 16. Simply present the flyer below, mention you are shopping for Mid-Jersey Chinese School PTO and 10% of your total purchases will be donated to MJCS PTO. You must print a copy of the flyer in order for the MJCS PTO to get credit. It's a perfect time to get some holiday shopping in and to support our school at the same time. Feel free to share this event with family and friends, and thank you for supporting PTO/MJCS!
MJCS PTO Five Below Fundraiser Flyer
MJCS Admin and PTO
希望大家都過了一個愉快的一周! 有關我們校內粵語線上演講比賽題目的資訊請見下面的鏈接。請將演講題目提供給您的老師,並在2021年1月2日星期六之前提交視頻。希望大家可以和學生一起準備演講。這也是學習中文的一種很棒而有趣的方式!
家長會下週將於本週在 East Brunswick 的 Five Below (位於 607 Route 18 S)舉行籌款活動。我們的活動將從12月10日(星期四)至12月16日(星期三)舉行。您購買的總金額的10%將捐贈給MJCS PTO。您必須打印傳單的副本,MJCS PTO才能獲得積分。現在是參加一些假日購物並同時支持我們學校的絕佳時機。隨時與家人和朋友分享此活動,並感謝您對PTO / MJCS的支持!
MJCS PTO Five Below Fundraiser Flyer
紐澤西中部中文學校教務處及家長會 謹啟