
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


MJCS Newsletter 學校通訊 10/17/20

Steve Su

Dear MJCS family,

Hope everyone had enjoyed a nice week! Our In Class Speech will be on 10/31. The In School Speech Contest this year will be pre-recorded video setting. Attached please find the video submit rules and dates in word and PDF file FYI. Please encourage your student to prepare for the speech. It's a great and fun way to learn Chinese!

The 2020-2021 ANJCS (Association of New Jersey Chinese Schools) Poetry Recitation Competition will be on 11/15 Sunday. The sign up deadline will be on 10/25 Saturday 11 pm. More details can be find in the attached pdf file. Please let us know if you are interested in participating. 

Our Online Registration is still ongoing. If you would like to register, please visit our school website at: and select “Registration” to proceed. 


MJCS Admin


希望大家渡過了愉快的一周! 我們的課堂演講將於10月31日進行。有關我們學校線上演講比賽視頻提交日期的詳細資訊請見附件 Word 和 pdf 文件。希望大家可以和學生一起準備演講。這也是學習中文的一種很棒而有趣的方式!

2020-2021 新澤西中文學校協會校際線上個人詩歌朗誦比賽將於11月15日星期日舉行。報名截止日期為10/25 晚上11點 。更多詳細信息請見附件 pdf。如果您有興趣參加,請告訴我們 。

我們的線上註冊仍在進行中。如果您想註冊,請至學校官網 點選“註冊”。

紐澤西中部中文學校教務處 謹啟