Jon Lee
Congratulation to the following students in winning this year’s essay and drawing contest:
Essay Group A:
(First)王飛鵬 Brian Wang, (Second ) 鐘淑英 Vivian Chung, (Third ) 阮柏鈞 Brian Roun
Essay Group B:
(First) 王科傑 Aaron Wang, (Second) 余嘉瑤 Ariane Yu, (Third) 周品妍 Renee Chou
Drawing Group C:
(First) 陳俊藝 Jae Chan, (Second) 蘇真妍 Lainee Su, (Third) 蘇智豐 Justin So
Drawing Group D:
(First) Zoe Parr, (Second) 李語珊 Evelynne Lee, (Third) 楊沛璇 Jocelyn YangEarly registration for your Fall Semester continues for the next couple of weeks. Please stop by our admin desk to pick your forms and discount.
Our school will be hosting the annual CACA Fun Day on Sunday, May 19th from 12-5pm. Join us for a day of exciting performances, fun games, and great food. Come to admin desk to buy your tickets and get early purchase discount.
School will close next Saturday on Memorial Day.
ANJCS Youth Chinese Orchestra is having a free concert at the Nicolas Music Center at Rutgers University on June 8. Please come by the school admin desk for tickets. See link for more information: http://www.mjcs.us/event-1
We are now accepting advertisement for our yearbook. Please help us fundraise by contacting your local business and personal contacts. You can download a copy of our sponsorship form with the link below:
http://www.mjcs.us/sponsorship-agreementCACA Chinese Culture Camp is open to registration. Space is limited, please submit your application ASAP. If you have any questions, please stop by our admin desk or visit our event page for more information http://www.mjcs.us/event-1.
The OCAC/TECO 2019 "Teaching English in Taiwan" program is open to registration. All Applicant needs to be in 11th grade or higher, and older than 17 (by 11/30/2019). If you are interested, please visit https://teenage.ocac.gov.tw/Default.aspx
PTO Newsletter for 5/18/19
Thank you to all the parents and teachers who donated food, bought food and helped serve food at last week's Mother's Day Breakfast Sale. We raised $404.75!
Interested in becoming more involved with the PTO? We are looking for parents to fulfill leadership roles next year. Please consider volunteering, as our school is a non-profit organization and can only exist if we have volunteer parents to help run the school. Whether you are able to volunteer or not, please join us for the last PTO meeting of the school year this Saturday in the Cafetorium from 10:30am-11:30am. We need your input for next year's PTO activities!
We are looking for volunteers to help us with this Sunday's CACA Fun Day. Please watch your e-mail for the link to sign-up.
If you have extra party favors or trinkets that we can give away to kids playing our Fun Day Carnival games, please consider donating them to us by dropping them off at the PTO table in the Cafetorium on Saturday. Thank you!
If you have completed your two PTO activities for the year, please stop by the PTO desk in the Cafetorium to request that your PTO deposit be returned.
Help support the school by purchasing ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards at face value. 5%-6% of all gift card sales will be donated to the school. Gift cards can be purchased at the PTO table in the Cafetorium.
Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-12:30pm. This week's food vendors are:
- Domoko Sushi Ramen: teriyaki lunch boxes, ho-fun noodles, ramen soup, and sushi rolls
- Golden China Steamed Buns: fried vegetable spring rolls and assorted steamed buns
- Happy Family: assorted appetizers and lunch boxes
- Hsiu-Ling Taiwanese Kitchen: assorted lunch boxes and bubble tea
- Lee Family: assorted lunch boxes
Essay Group A:
(First)王飛鵬 Brian Wang, (Second ) 鐘淑英 Vivian Chung, (Third ) 阮柏鈞 Brian Roun
Essay Group B:
(First) 王科傑 Aaron Wang, (Second) 余嘉瑤 Ariane Yu, (Third) 周品妍 Renee Chou
Drawing Group C:
(First) 陳俊藝 Jae Chan, (Second) 蘇真妍 Lainee Su, (Third) 蘇智豐 Justin So
-Drawing Group D:
(First) Zoe Parr, (Second) 李語珊 Evelynne Lee, (Third) 楊沛璇 Jocelyn Yang秋季“早起鳥”註冊將在接下來的兩週內繼續進行。請到教務處註冊、享受折扣!
中美文化協會園遊會將於本月19日 (週日, 中午12點至下午5點)在本校舉行。活動內容豐富、美食可口!請儘早到教務處購票、享受優惠!
下週六 5月25日停課,祝大家有個愉快的將士紀念日假期。
PTO Newsletter for 5/04/19 家長會通訊
家長會徵求新血!我們需要您的熱忱,請發揮您的領導力、為家長會盡心力。 意者請洽家長會或電郵 mjcspto@mjcs.us。 無論您是否有意者,請於本週六上午10:30至11:30在Cafetorium參加本學年最後一次家長會會議。 我們需要您對明年的家長會活動的意見!
徵求 本週日, 5/19, 中美文化協會園遊會義工!請熱心的家長留意您的電郵登記參與。
家長會代售ShopRite、漢龍超市及大華超市等禮卡。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣、嘉惠學子! 您可在接送孩子時,在前廳或大禮堂中向家長會義工購買。感謝大家對中文學校的愛護與支持。
本週美食攤:渤海村北方麵點, Domoko壽司日本料理, 快樂家庭小菜午餐飯盒, Golden Chin 蒸 包子, 秀玲台式飯盒/奶茶, 李家飯盒 。