
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.



Jon Lee

  • We’ll have our in-school Chinese Chess competition this Saturday.  Our school will participate in the ANJCS Chinese Chess contest at Princeton Chinese School on March 3.

  • CACA’s New Year Gala will be held on March 2 at Pines Manor of Edison.  Tickets are on sale, please  stop by the admin desk for tickets and questions. See link below for more information. 

PTO Newsletter for 2/23/19

  1.  Happy New Year!  Special thanks to the performers, parents and youth volunteers who made our Chinese New Year celebration such a success!

  2. Help support the school by purchasing ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards at face value.  5%-6% of all gift card sales will be donated to the school. Gift cards can be purchased in the lobby at drop-off or at the PTO table in the Cafetorium.

  3. Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-1:00pm.  This week's food vendors are:
    -  Domoko Sushi Ramen: teriyaki lunch boxes, ramen soup, and sushi rolls
    - Happy Family: assorted appetizers and lunch boxes



  • ï本校校內象棋比賽將在本週六(2/23)進行!新澤西中文學校協會的象棋比賽將於3/3在普林斯頓中文學校舉行!

  • ï中美文化協會春節聯歡晚宴將在3/2假愛迪生市的Pine Manor舉行。購票與詳情請洽教務處或點閱此連結查閱:

PTO Newsletter for 2/23/19 家長會通訊

  • ï新年快樂!本校春節聯歡活動大功告成!特別感謝表演者的辛苦排練與認真演出,也特別感謝家長及義工們的協助!

  • ï家長會代售ShopRite、漢龍超市及大華超市等禮卡。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣、嘉惠學子! 您可在接送孩子時,在前廳或大禮堂中向家長會義工購買。感謝大家對中文學校的愛護與支持。

  • ï本週美食攤:快樂家庭小菜、午餐飯盒。銷售時間是上午11時到下午1時。