Jon Lee
This Saturday will be the last day of our Fall semester. We will have our final exam and no cultural class. Please make sure your kids are prepared.
Congratulations to the following students for winning the Cantonese Speech Contest in their respective categories. Special thanks to our judges, teachers, and volunteers.
C2-3: 1st: Liam So 蘇威霖, 2nd: Oliver So 蘇威樂, Third: Armanda Lam 林庭玉
C4-C5: 1st: Ariane Yu 余嘉瑤, 2nd: Jeremy Huang 黄耀康, Third: Zachary Ho 何俊安
C7: 1st: Tyler Ho 何俊傑, 2nd: Vivian Chung 鐘淑英, Third: Lucas Ho 何俊康We are in the process of surveying our students who might be interested in taking a mock-up Chinese SAT test. The test will take about 1 hour, and can be held on Saturday, 3/2, in our school during class if there are enough participants. Registration deadline is Thursday. 2/7. Please talk to your teacher or download files from this link for more information.
Our Chinese New Year Celebration is two weeks away on February 9th.
CACA’s New Year Gala will be held on March 2 at Pines Manor in Edison. Tickets are on sale, please stop by the admin desk if you have any questions. See link below for more information. http://www.mjcs.us/event-1/
PTO Newsletter for 1/26/19
1) Free seminar on teaching your children about money this Saturday, 10:00am-11:30am in Room 406 (inside Cafetorium).
Financial mistakes can doom your future. Knowledge is power; education is important! However, only 16.4% of US students are required to take a personal finance course to graduate high school in five states. Parents are child’s first teachers; 80% of parents have had financial conversations with their kids, however, most parents don’t fully understand how best to teach their children smart financial habits. This seminar provides an opportunity for parents to learn ways to help kids successfully navigate the pitfalls of managing money. Please sign up here to join the discussions: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-seminar. Refreshments will be provided. Giveaways while supplies last.
Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-12:30pm. This week's food vendors are:
- Domoko Sushi Ramen: teriyaki lunch boxes, ramen soup, and sushi rolls
- Happy Family: assorted appetizers and lunch boxes
- Hsiu-Ling Taiwanese Kitchen: assorted lunch boxes and bubble tea
這個星期六將是我們秋季班的最後一天。當天將有期末考。沒有文化課。 請幫助您的孩子做好準備。
C2-3: 1st: Liam So 蘇威霖, 2nd: Oliver So 蘇威樂, Third: Armanda Lam 林庭玉
C4-C5: 1st: Ariane Yu 余嘉瑤, 2nd: Jeremy Huang 黄耀康, Third: Zachary Ho 何俊安
C7: 1st: Tyler Ho 何俊傑, 2nd: Vivian Chung 鐘淑英, Third: Lucas Ho 何俊康
中美文化協會春節聯歡晚宴將在3/2假愛迪生市的Pine Manor舉行。購票與詳情請洽教務處。
PTO Newsletter for 1/12/19 家長會通訊
a. 教育孩子金錢觀的重要性
b. 如何教導孩子做出正確的理財決定
c. 做出明智的理財選擇決定的好處
歡迎一起來參與學習與討論!現場備有點心飲料。免費贈品送完為止。https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4aafa623a02-seminar.家長會代售ShopRite、漢龍超市及大華超市等禮卡。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣、嘉惠學子! 您可在接送孩子時,在前廳或大禮堂中向家長會義工購買。感謝大家對中文學校的愛護與支持。
本週美食有:Domoko日式料理便當。快樂家庭小菜、午餐飯盒。秀玲台式飯盒、奶茶 。