Douglas Chin
Dear MJCS Families,
Congratulations to all of our Essay and Drawing contest winners.
Essay /Group A
First Place: 10A, Albert Chen
Second Place: 10A , Alex Lee
Third Place: 7A, Brian WangEssay/Group B
First Place: 4A, Aaron Wang
Second Place: 4C, Ariane Yu
Third Place: PC6, Ellen LeeDrawing/Group C
First Place: C3, Jeremy Huang
Second Place: PC3, Hannah So
Third Place: 7A, Nicholas Wang
Third Place: C3, Kayla YongDrawing/Group D
First Place: Chinese 101, Kyrus Lau
Second Place: Chinese 101, Madeline Yu
Third Place: Chinese 101, Marilyn Rodriguez- Graduation is two weeks away. If you have not registered, please come by the cafetorium to compete your forms ASAP.
- Year-end school picnic will be held in Welsh Park (East Brunswick) on June 10, Sunday, from 12-5pm. Tickets are $10 for adults, and $5 for kids. Please join us and sign up at the administration desk.
- ANJCS Youth Chinese Orchestra is hosting their annual concert, Medley of Nostalgia, at the East Brunswick High School auditorium this Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 7:30pm. Please come by the cafetorium to pick up free tickets to the concert, first come first serve. You can visit our site under the events tab for more details.
- 2018 CACA Chinese Culture Summer Camp has extended its registration. Camp runs from July 23 to 27. Please come by the school for more information or drop-off your applications. You can also visit: http://cacanj.weebly.com to download applications and program details.
- Final Exam is next week.
PTO Newsletter for 6/02/18
- Please join us for the last PTO meeting of the school year this Saturday in Seminar Room 406 from 10:00am-11:30am. We need your vote for next year's PTO leadership positions along with the school's various administrator positions. Please consider volunteering, as our school is a non-profit organization and can only exist if we have volunteer parents to help run the school. Principal Jon Lee will also be on hand to discuss new textbooks for next semester as well as changes we are planning to our website.
- If you have completed your two PTO activities for the year, please stop by the PTO desk in the Cafetorium after the PTO meeting to request your deposit be returned.
- Help support the school by purchasing ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards at face value. 5%-6% of all gift card sales will be donated to the school. Gift cards can be purchased at the PTO table in the Cafetorium.
- Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-1:00pm. This week's food vendors are:
- Domoko Sushi Ramen: teriyaki lunch boxes, ramen soup, and sushi rolls
- Happy Family: assorted appetizers and lunch boxes - Message from Megan Lee, Team Captain for this years’ East Brunswick Relay for Life team MID JERSEY CHINESE SCHOOL - HOPE. “There is only a week left before the Relay for Life event, so please don’t forget to sign up and join the team or make a donation to help our school’s team raise funds to support the American Cancer Society in helping the fight to find a cure for cancer. Our MJCS team is currently in first place!! We are so close to reaching our goal of $4,000; we have raised $3,125 to date!! There is still time to support our Youth Volunteer fundraising for this event by stopping by YV table in the cafeteria this Saturday to purchase a bracelet $5 /necklace $10 or chocolate bars $1. Please join us on June 9th at Heavenly Farms located in East Brunswick New Jersey!Every dollar donated will be greatly appreciated on behalf of all those who have beat cancer, fighting the fight and those who have lost loved ones. Thank you for all your support! “
2018 年作文, 絵畫比賽各組前三名
作文 /高年級
第一名: 10A, 陳泰龍
第二名:10A, 李語正
第三名: 7A, 王飛鵬
作文 /中年級
第一名: 4A, 王科傑
第二名: 4C, 余嘉瑤
第三名: PC6, 李彤
第一名: C3, 黄耀康
第二名: PC3, 温家傑
第三名: 7A, 王飛鵬
第三名: C3, 翁學儀
第一名: Chinese 101, 劉仲軒
第二名: Chinese 101,尤易
第三名: Chinese 101, Marilyn Rodriguez
- 兩週後就是本學年度的畢業典禮了。如果您還沒替孩子註冊的話,請盡快道教務處完成登記。
- 期末年度烤肉聚餐將於六月十日12點到五點,假東布朗市Welsh Park 舉辦,費用是大人10元, 小孩5元。請到教務處登記報名。
- 新澤西中文學校協會青少年國樂團將在東部朗市高中舉辦年度音樂會,時間是六月二日晚上七點半。歡迎到教務處索取入場券。免費。
- 2018中美文化協會夏令營開始接受報名。時間是7/23-27,詳情請洽教務處,或上網查看、下載報名表:http://cacanj.weebly.com
- 海外青年文化大使團(FASCA)開始招收2018年團員。培訓包括兩天的密集培訓營,及全年度的活動。詳情請洽David Chen (chen.david66@gmail.com)或見:http://www.mjcs.us/event-1
- 下週六是期末考日,請敦促您的孩子好好準備!加油!預祝考試順利。
- 家長會將於本週六10:30到11:30召開會議,請大家踴躍參與。校長李樹仁先生將與大家討論新教科書事宜,以及介紹網站設計事宜等。家長會徵求新血!我們需要您的熱忱,請發揮您的領導力、為家長會盡心力。意者請洽家長會或電郵mjcspto@mjcs.us
- 家長會持續銷售超市禮卡,有ShopRite、漢龍超市及大華超市等,請大家踴躍購買。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣、嘉惠學子!感謝大家對中文學校的愛護與支持。
- 如果您已經完成兩次義工任務,請洽家長會取回押金。
- 本週美食攤(11:00 am -12:300 pm):
紐澤西中部中文學校教務處及家長會 謹啟