Douglas Chin
Dear MJCS Families,
Welcome back and Happy Chinese New Year. A belated thank you to our students, teachers, and staff for putting together a great show. A heartfelt shoutout to our PTO for all their efforts and made everything looked wonderful.
For those who are interested in participating in Taiwan's Earthquake Relief Fund, please contact Yulan Brown at yulanbrown@gmail.com, text message: 9082270326 or drop by our admin table at the cafetorium for more information. Make check payable to CC of TECO in NY. On the memo portion of your check, please write "Taiwan Earth Quake Relief Fund”. If they want to receive a donation receipt, please write your check payable to “CACA” and a tax-deductible donation receipt will be issued at a later day.
PTO Newsletter for 2/24/18
- Happy New Year! Special thanks to the performers, parents and youth volunteers who made our Chinese New Year celebration such a success!
- Help support the school by purchasing ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards at face value. 5%-6% of all gift card sales will be donated to the school. Gift cards can be purchased in the lobby at drop-off or at the PTO table in the Cafetorium.
- If you have completed your two PTO activities for the year, please stop by the PTO desk in the Cafetorium to request your PTO deposit be returned.
Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-1:00pm. This week's food vendors are:
- Domoko Sushi Ramen: teriyaki lunch boxes, ho-fun noodles and sushi rolls
- Hsiu-Ling Taiwanese Kitchen (assorted lunch boxes and bubble tea)
- Golden China Steamed Buns: New vendor specializing in assorted steamed buns. Here is their menu and price list: Sesame bun 5 for $6 (whole wheat additional 50 cents,Cabbage bun (Cabbage, shiitake with ground pork) 6 for $6 (whole wheat additional 50 cents),Fresh meat bun 6 for $6 (whole wheat additional 50 cents), Red bean paste bun 6 for $6 (whole wheat additional 50 cents), Vegetable bun (Cabbage, dried bean curd, carrot etc…) 6 for $6 (whole wheat additional 50 cents, Taro bun 5 for $6 (whole wheat additional 50 cents), Bamboo shoot bun (Bamboo shoot, shiitake with ground pork)5 for $6 (whole wheat additional 50 cents), Steamed bun 10 for $6, Brown sugar steamed bun 10 for $6 (whole wheat additional 50 cents),Whole wheat steamed bun 6 for $6( whole wheat, walnut, cranberry and black sesame), Potato dumpling 30 for $10, and Fried vegetable spring roll 1 for $1.
02.24.2018 學校通訊:
祝大家新年快樂歡! 在新的一年身體健康, 事事如意. 我們的農曆新年慶祝活動進展順利. 謝謝我們的學生, 老師和工作人員為大家辦了一場精彩的表演。 謝謝家長會的細密安排和支持。
台灣花蓮震災慘重,中美文化協會響應臺北經濟文化辦事處的震災募款活動,即日起開始受理募款,有興趣者請與友蘭女士聯繫yulanbrown@gmail.com, 簡訊: 9082270326. 詳情請洽教務處。支票抬頭請寫CC of TECO in NY, 並註明“台灣震災捐款”。您若需要收據抵稅的話,支票抬頭則請寫CACA, 待捐款送到中美文化協會後,會另行發給收據。
- 新年快樂!我們的農曆新年慶祝活動非常成功, 家長會特別感謝所有的表演者,家長和義工大力支持!
- 家長會持續銷售超市禮卡,有ShopRite、漢龍超市及大華超市等,請大家踴躍購買。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將 獲得百分之五到六的回扣、嘉惠學子!感謝大家對中文學校的愛護與支持。
- 如果您已完成今年的兩項家長會義務活動,請到禮堂找家長會申請退回存款。
本週美食攤 (11:00 am -1:00 pm):
- Domoko 壽司拉麵: 照燒飯盒,河粉和壽司卷
- 秀玲台式小吃便當奶茶
- 本週新增 Golden China Steamed Buns。菜單和價目表如下:$6 芝麻包-5個, $6 高麗菜香菇肉包-6個, $6鲜肉包-6個,$6 豆沙包-6個, $6 素菜包-6個 (成分:青菜/豆干丝/胡蘿蔔丝/黑木耳丝等), $6 芋泥包-5個, $6 筍香菇肉包-5個., $6 白饅頭-10個.