Jon Lee
Speech contest will be held this Satuday at 10:30 am. Winners of each group will represent MJCS to participate in the CACA Speech Contest on 12/8
There will be no cultural class this week.
No school next week (11/24). Wish everyone a great Thanksgiving!
Two of our former members of ANJCS Chinese Youth Orchestra (Max Wei and Jemmi Tsai) will be featured in an upcoming concert at the East Brunswick Public Library on December 9, 2018. Concert will start at 2pm. For more information, visit us our event page.http://www.mjcs.us/event-1/
Start a new tradition at the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra first-ever Chinese New Year celebration, conducted by Xian Zhang. The concert is on February 2, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the NJPAC in Newark. Ticket price ranges from $20-$90, and group discounts are available. Visit https://www.njpac.org/events/detail/chinese-new-year-celebration for more information.
We have consistent parking violations in our school property, specifically in areas behind the cafeteria and gymnasium. Vehicles parked illegally could be towed at your expense.
PTO Newsletter for 10/27/18
Get your class photos! The PTO will be in the lobby before and after class this Saturday selling class photos for $5 each.
Every week the PTO will have ShopRite, Hmart and 99 Ranch Market gift cards for sale. 5%-6% of all sales will be donated to the school.
Food vendors will be in the Cafetorium lobby from 11:00am-12:30pm. This week's food vendors are:
- Bo-Hai Dumpling: assorted frozen dumplings and buns
- Domoko Sushi Ramen: teriyaki lunch boxes, ramen soup, and sushi rolls
- Honest Foods: kimchi, fermented rice and Asian-style pancakes
- Hsiu-Ling Taiwanese Kitchen: assorted lunch boxes and bubble tea
前新澤西中文學校協會青少年國樂團團員魏宏哲及Jemmi Tsai將於十二月九日下午兩點假東布朗市圖書館舉辦一場音樂會。請大家踴躍參加。詳情請見本校官網。
紐澤西交響樂團將在二月二日晚上七點三十分於紐澤西表演藝術中心首次舉辦春節慶祝活動。票價20美元到90美元不等。https://www.njpac.org/events/detail/chinese-new-year-celebration 詳情請見以上連結。
我們代售ShopRite、漢龍超市及大華超市等禮卡。每銷售一張禮卡,家長會將獲得百分之五到六的回扣、嘉惠學子! 您可在接送孩子時,在前廳或大禮堂中向家長會義工購買。感謝大家對中文學校的愛護與支持。
本週美食攤有渤海村北方麵點。Domoko 壽司等日本料理。誠實美食的泡菜、酒釀及大餅。秀玲台灣小吃飲品。