
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


Week 14

Calvin Liu

Dear MJCS Families: 



Important Note:  Sat, June 10 is the end of early registration.  Please take advantage of

early registration discount ($30 per student),  stop by admin desk to registered.


Please note School PTO meeting will be starting at 10am this Saturday.  During the meeting, school will inform some new changes regarding our Practical Chinese Classes.


No culture class this week and wish all students do the best at Final on Saturday!


Mark on the calendar!  Our school-end BBQ will be on Sunday, 6/11 from 12pm to 5pm at Bicentennial Park (Grove A)!  

Address176 Hardenburg Ln, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Adult $5 per person, child and student FREE!


CACA Summer camp registration is still on!  Don't miss this fun camp!  Flyer has been posted in school website under EVENT folder.  If you have any questions, please contact school Adminstration.


Please note our PC3 teacher Joy Huang free tutoring is canceled this week.


Every week we will post lots of activities in the school website under Event and TECO.  Please check our school website constantly. 


Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information:



Upcoming MJCS activities  


6/11/17 – School BBQ at Bicentennial Park (Grove A), East Brunswick


6/17/17 – 結業典禮 Graduation Day




Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):



PTO News:


JUNE 10th in the cafetorium 

Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Please, please make time to attend this meeting  and vote for next year's  PTO members.  We have two Vice Chair  PTO position open along with school'svarious administrator positions to help Anli(School's only administrator!).   Please consider volunteering , our school is a non profit organization and can only run if we have volunteer parents to help run the school. 


We have aguest speaker, PaulKibalaEast Brunswick Librarian who is in charge of selecting Chinese Language books for the library.  He will be speaking at 10 am to try and reach the Chinese community in how to improve the reading materials, events and programs that best suits our Chinese community.  This is a great opportunity to voice your opinions and thoughts on how the library can better serve your needs.  


2.. The end of the academic year is rapidly approaching.  Stock up on Shoprite , HMart and 99 Ranch gift cards for the summer.  Please  help PTO reach our goal of $20,000!!  PTO receives 5 to  6 % from each giftcard purchased, that's $1,000 for our school!!   Thank you for your continued support throughout the school year.


99 Ranch Chinese Supermarket located in Edison, Route 1 has donated $200 for PTO to purchase Chinese buns for our school year end party.  Thanks to Irene Chan who was able to get the manager to help fund our party while she was placing another Gift Card order with the store. 


3. The following classes will be participating in the Graduation Ceremony on June 17th, 2017 :

KA, PC8 and 10A

The parents of all  graduating students  need to stop by PTO/ admin table  and  place  their cap and gown rental for graduation ceremony.    The last day to order the Graduation Cap and Gown is JUNE 10th.  The rental fee is $8.00.   The rental fee will include a 2017 gold keepsake charm and tassel for each student to keep.  

Ya Ching , volunteer parent will be collecting from the KA Parents if more convenient for you.  


PTO will be providing free pizza, Chinese buns and drinks to celebrate the end of school year celebrationafter the graduation ceremony.  


We will need volunteers to help with theyounger students to help escorting students tothe stage andservers to hand out pizza and buns.  This will be the last event to earn one credit towards this years PTO Refund. We will send a sign up genius in the beginning of next week.


4. Please stop by and pick up your PTO refund if you have completed your two credits. Keep in mind we will close out the books when school year ends and will no longer be able to issue refunds.

Last chance to place school picture order.  We have one photo of each class for sale $5 donation.  


5.  Vendors for this week:




















Best Regards

MJCS Administration and PTO












2017 6月9日






不要錯過學校的學年末烤肉活動! 6/11星期天中午12點到5點在Bicentennial Park (Grove A)

Address176 Hardenburg Ln, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

大人每人$5 / 小孩及學生免費!

夏令營報名還在開放!不要錯過這個讓您的孩子玩樂和學習的機會! 所有報名表及資料已經電郵寄出。傳單已經在學校網站中的EVENT登出。 如果有任何問題請向教務處詢問。




溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站



6/11/17 – 校内學末烤肉在Bicentennial Park (Grove A), East Brunswick

6/17/17 – 結業典禮 Graduation Day


其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):



請注意家長會大會在本週六: Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am

請所有家長盡量出席學年最後一次的家長會會議。會中將 會選出下屆會長。我們將會有兩席副會長缺及需要更多教務。請大家踴躍參與!本校是非營利組織,非常需要各位家長的參與和支持。

週六10點我們將有一位圖書館中文書負責人,Paul Kinala 來學校解說中文學校團體如何能使圖書館在中文方面更進步。 這是一個很好的機會表達您的想法。


感謝大華超市捐贈$200給家長會為下週六的畢業典禮購買食物。 謝謝Irene Chan 連絡超市經理。典禮結束後家長會將提供免費包子、pizza和飲料歡慶學年結束。

KA,PC8和10A班將會參加6/17學年末的結業典禮。 請這三班的家長到家長會處登記典禮上用的畢業帽和袍。 最後登記截止的日子是6/10。 租金是$8包含畢業帽流蘇給學生收藏。Ya Ching , 會幫KA班家庭收取租金。


我們需要義工家長在下週典禮當天幫忙帶領小朋友上下台和分發食物。 這將是最後一個可以得到退費點數的機會。

已經完成二項義工服務的家庭請到家長會處領取$50退費。 最後機會購買班級照片,一張$5。









教務處及家長會 敬上