Week 8
Calvin Liu
Dear MJCS Families:
Please note CSL 3 class will have substituted teacher this Saturday.
Last Sunday all our students did great job at every 1st CACA Chinese Character Recognition Contest Students not only can review those Chinese words also have fun during the contest. Please also congratulate our 3A student, Aaron Wang王科傑, won the First place in Group A!! Looking forward to seeing more students to attend next year.
Just a reminder this Saturday school is having Essay and Drawing contest. All the topics should be already given by each teacher in class last week. The contest rule and topic will also be sending out with the newsletter together. Lower grade classes students please don’t forget to bring drawing materials to school on Saturday.
Please note next Saturday school is having an Open House day:) If you know any families or person is interested in learning Chinese or simply just like to join our community, next Saturday will be great opportunity to visit our school! New family can seat in any class to see how students learn in the class! School Open-House flyer will be sending with the newsletter together.
Please note Sunday 5/21, CACA Annual Funday will be hosted by our school again! Same as every year, you will enjoy many programs, fun games and delicious food on that day! Funday flyer will be sending with the newsletter together. Don’t miss the fun!!
Please note on Sunday 5/28, a fun even called Passport To Taiwan at Union Square Park, NYC. It's a once of year event. The purpose is to promote Taiwan and to attract more people visiting Taiwan:) On that day, there will be lots of performances including our school student’s “San-Tai-Zi” Dance and many delicious Taiwanese foods selling! Flyer has been posted in school website under EVENT folder. We will need some volunteers at the event. If you or your child can help out that day, please e-mail Yulan Brown at yulanbrown@gmail.com
CACA Summer camp registration is starting! Flyer has been posted in school website under EVENT folder. If you have any questions, please contact school Administration.
Please note our PC3 teacher Joy Huang is giving free tutoring starting at 11:30am at Cafeteria. Any students who is interested in having tutoring class, please email teacher Huang at (reihwahu03@yahoo.com) before Saturday (appointment only).
Every week we will post lots of activities in the school website under Event and TECO. Please check our school website constantly.
Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information: www.mjcs.us
Upcoming MJCS activities
5/6/17 – School Open-House Day from 9:30am to 12:30pm
2017~2018學年預註冊開始 Early Registration Begin
5/13/17 --家長會母親節早餐義賣 PTO Mothers Day Breakfast Sale
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
4/30/17 -- ANJCS Calligraphy Contest 書法比賽 Bergen Chinese School( 博根中校) 1PM
PTO News:
1. Stop by the PTO/Admin table to purchase your ShopRite, 99 Ranch Market and HMart gift cards. 5%-6% of gift card purchases goes to the school!
We also have a limited number of Asian Food Market gift cards for sale, with locations in Piscataway, Plainsboro, Marlboro, Jersey City, Staten Island, etc.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Class pictures are still available for $5 each
Please stop by the PTO desk and pick up your PTO refund if you have completed your two credits.
2. PTO is asking for donation of new or slightly used toys to sell or use as prizes for the upcoming CACA FUN DAY. We plan to give out prizes for every ticket sold, so every child wins a prize. This is a great opportunity to do spring cleaning and declutter the family room. Please bring all donation to PTO desk. Thanks again for your support.
Vendors this week:
Happy Family
Honest Foods
Jen Lee
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
上星期日本校學生們在中美文化協會舉辦的第一屆中文認字比賽中都有非常優秀的表現! 比賽過程不但能幫助學生複習所學過的單字並且有趣。 在此恭喜本校傳統三甲班 王科傑同學得到A組第一名!! 期望明年我們要更多的同學參與.
在此提醒各位家長本週六是學校作文和繪畫比賽。 題目和規則上週六各班級老師已經在課堂上公布。學校也會將題目/規則連同newsletter 一起送出。
請注意下週六是學校開放日!如果您知道任何家庭或個人有興趣學習中文或想成為學校一份子,歡迎下週六來參觀本校!家長當天可以旁聽任何一堂課。 開放日傳單將連同newsletter 一起送出。
今年中美文化協會園遊會將在5/21在本校舉行!如同往年一樣當天會有很多精彩表演、遊戲和美食提供給大家! 園遊會傳單將連同newsletter 一起送出。
下個月5/28在紐約市的Union Square Park將有一場非常好玩的活動叫Passport To Taiwan。這是一個一年一度的介紹臺灣的活動。 當天將有許多精彩表演包括本校學生的電音三太子舞!傳單已經在學校網站中的EVENT登出。歡迎當天大家朋友和家庭参加J 我們在當天需要一些義工幫忙。如果您或您孩子願意擔任義工,請電郵本校家長 友蘭 Brown:yulanbrown@gmail.com。
中美文化協會夏令營開始招生!所有報名表及資料已經電郵寄出。傳單已經在學校網站中的EVENT登出。 如果有任何問題請向教務處詢問。
實用中文3班胡瑞華老師週六會在禮堂提供免費的中文輔導課。 請有需要的學生在週六前電郵報名給胡老師:(reihwahu03@yahoo.com) (只接受報名通知)
溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站:www.mjcs.us
5/6/17 – School Open-House Day from 9:30am to 12:30pm
2017~2018學年預註冊開始 Early Registration Begin
5/13/17 --家長會母親節早餐義賣 PTO Mothers Day Breakfast Sale
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
4/30/17 -- ANJCS Calligraphy Contest 書法比賽 Bergen Chinese School( 博根中校) 1PM
1. 家長會開始販售大華超級市場的禮券! 5%-6%的捐贈回饋學校!! 大華超市在1號公路上(舊的Pathmark) 是一間新開的大型華人超市,裏面有非常多華人食品及販賣很多好吃的熟食和點心。請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮卷。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%-6%的捐贈!Shoprite $25 Hmart 和 $20 giftcards 禮卷本校已經賣出了$8,300的禮券!! 我們的目標是$16,000元!希望各位多多支持!
2. 請大家多多支持和購買各班級照片。 每5x7 尺寸只要$5 一張。
3. 請留意,如果您已經得到2個家長會的退費點數並希望能取回$50的退費,請至家長會處辨理。請每個學校家庭自行負責向家長會領取退費,家長會概不負責。 逾期未領的退費將併入學校基金內。
4. 家長會請求家庭踴躍捐贈任何小禮物或玩具給5/21的園遊會活動。 我們計劃在當天將禮物或玩具做為獎品送出。 如果您有適合的小玩意請交至學校家長會處。 謝謝您的支持!
5. 以下是本周美食攤位:
Happy Family
Honest Foods
Jen Lee
教務處及家長會 敬上