Week 2
Calvin Liu
Dear MJCS Families:
Spring semester registration is opened until March 4th.
Traditional 9A class will have new teacher starting this Saturday.
Volleyball class will resume from 12pm to 1pm this Saturday.
Please note our Traditional Chinese Medicine class will be starting this Saturday from 10:30am until 12pm at Room#406 next to Cafeteria. Professor Yam is a retired professor of Liao-Ning Chinese Medicine University in China who spent great years in teaching Traditional Chinese Medicine. Greatly appreciated Professor Yam opening this class without any charge! School would like to ask student for donation with any dollar amount if willing; suggesting donation is $10J. Thank you!
Anyone is interested in our new Adult Flower Arrangement Class, please download the Adult registration form from school website. Class registration is starting.
School received an outside-school drawing contest from Taiwan. The application form and details will be e-mailing out together with newsletter. Please submit your artwork with completed form to school Admin by April 1st the latest. School will mail out all the artworks.
Save The Date!! CACA’s Annual Gala New Year dinner will be on Saturday, March 11, 2017 from 6pm – 12am at the Somerset DoubleTree Hilton Hotel. This is the biggest party of the school year and will be over 300 people joining. Babysitting will be available. Great performances and great raffle prizes this year. Please stop by the admin table to buy the ticket. Ticket is $80 / person ($70 / our school member), Babysitting $20 per child. You do not want to miss this event!
Please note our PC3 teacher Joy Huang is giving free tutoring starting at 11:30am at Cafeteria. Any students who is interested in having tutoring class, please email teacher Huang at (reihwahu03@yahoo.com) before Saturday (appointment only).
Every week we will post lots of activities in the school website under Event and TECO. Please check our school website constantly.
Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms and Contact information: www.mjcs.us
Upcoming MJCS activities
3/4/17 -- 校內象棋比賽 In School Chinese Chess Contest 11:30AM ~ 12:30PM
春季班註冊截止 Spring Registration Ends
轉班截止 Change Class End
3/11/17 -- 校內扯鈴比賽 In School YoYo Contest 11:30AM ~ 12:30PM
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
PTO News:
1. Stop by the PTO/Admin table and purchase your ShopRite and Hmartgift cards. 5% of all sales goes to our school!! To date we have sold $8,300 !!! Please help us reach our $16,000 goal by end of school year. We did it last year and the year before and raised $800 for our school!
2. Class photos are still available for $5 each (5x7size).
3. Pick up your $50 PTO refund if you have earned your two volunteer credits. Keep in mind, we are all volunteers so it is your responsibility to come pick up your refund. PTO do not have access to parent's email info.
4. Vendors this week:
Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
傳統中醫班將於本週六正式開課。時間是早上10:30至中午12點在學校餐廳旁406教室。本班老師 顔峰教授現已退休,曾多年執教於中國遼寧中醫藥大學。學校非常感謝顏敎授完全義務服務不收學費。 學校在此希望本班學生能為學校小量捐款,建議款數為$10。謝謝!
今年春季班開始增開成人插花藝術班。 文化課報名表已在本校網站內以供下戴。星期六正式開始註冊。
中華民國第48屆世界兒童畫展參展。請大家踴躍參加! 報名表及簡章將會同本週電郵信一起發出。 請同學將作品及相關報名報最晚在4月1日一同交給學校教務處。 學校將一併郵寄出去。
請和我們一起慶祝中美文化協會週年春節慶典! 時間:2017年3月11日 週六,6PM 到12AM 在Somerset DoubleTree Hilton Hotel舉行 希望大家不要錯過這個一年一度盛大的派對. 到時將有超過三百多人參加並且現場有托兒服務, 歡迎大家一家大小一起參加! 今年的晚會表演非常精彩,獎品及獎金非常豐富!如果需要更多的資料, 請到教務處查詢和買票. 希望大家多多支持這個CACA和MJCS 的活動. 門票一人$80(本校家庭優惠每人$70)/ 現場托兒服務每位孩童$20。
實用中文3班胡瑞華老師週六會在禮堂提供免費的中文輔導課。 請有需要的學生在週六前電郵報名給胡老師:(reihwahu03@yahoo.com) (只接受報名通知)
溫馨提示: 如需要關於學校的新聞,日歷,表格或是聯洛資料,請到學校䋞站:www.mjcs.us
3/4/17 -- 校內象棋比賽 In School Chinese Chess Contest 11:30AM ~ 12:30PM
春季班註冊截止 Spring Registration Ends
轉班截止 Change Class End
3/11/17 -- 校內扯鈴比賽 In School YoYo Contest 11:30AM ~ 12:30PM
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
1. 請繼續支持購買家長會的Shoprite和Hmart禮卷。所有賣出的禮卷金額本校將可獲得5%的捐贈!Shoprite $25 Hmart 和 $20 giftcards 禮卷本校已經賣出了$8,300的禮券!! 我們的目標是$16,000元!希望各位多多支持!
2. 請大家多多支持和購買各班級照片。 每5x7 尺寸只要$5 一張。
3. 請留意,如果您已經得到2個家長會的退費點數並希望能取回$50的退費,請至家長會處辨理。請每個學校家庭自行負責向家長會領取退費,家長會概不負責。 逾期未領的退費將併入學校基金內。
4. 以下是本周美食攤位:
Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen
教務處及家長會 敬上