Week 30, 2015
Calvin Liu
May 02, 2015
Dear MJCS Families:
Language and Culture classes are in session.
In-Class Essay / Drawing Contest. Be creative and have fun !
We will be conducting a fire drill Saturday morning.
Parents !!! MJCS needs volunteers for various staff positions starting in September. Please get involved. It will be a very enlightening experience. Don’t be afraid, be active. Inquire with the principal.
ANJCS Calligraphy Contest. Bergen Chinese School. Sunday, 05/03/15 at 1pm. Good luck.
ANJCS is hosting a Chinese Orchestra summer camp for student from age 8 to 18 years old. The summer camp will be a 3 days camp from 6/26 to 6/28 at New Oriental Education Center. The tuition fee will be $360 per person (registered by 5/19) or $375 per person (registered after 5/19). Instrument rental fee will be $45 total (if student need to rent one). Lunch and 2 Orchestra T-shirt will be included. More detail information and registration form can be found and downloaded from www.anjcs.org If you have any questions regarding renting instrument, please call: 1-732-582-4807. If you have any questions, please kindly contact our vice principal, Vincent Yang. Thank you
Reminder : For the students who qualify, don’t forget to consider taking the ACTFL exam.
TICKET SALE - CACA Fun Day (Sunday 05/17). Pre-event ticket purchases will include 2 additional tickets. See PTO to purchase tickets.
ANJCS iPad Digital Teaching Class (05/16 11:40 – 1pm). Please take advantage of this class to learn how to utilize an iPad to teach your child mandarin / pinyin / bo fo mo. http://anjcs.org/elearning/
Remember: Please turn your attention to our website mjcs.us, events link for upcoming events.
Upcoming MJCS activities
- 05/09 – Mothers’ Day Breakfast Sale (New Date)
- 05/09 – Parent / Teacher Conference (11:30-12:30)
- 05/09 – Language Teacher Conference (12:30-1:00)
- 05/16 – Early Registration
- 05/23 – NO School – Memorial Day Weekend
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
- 05/16 – ANJCS iPad Digital Teachers’ Conference (MJCS) This is open to parents too. iPad and registration require. http://anjcs.org/elearning/ (11:40-1:00)
- 05/17 - CACA Fun Day (MJCS) 12pm-6pm
- 05/23 – ACS Annual Conference (Flushing Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel)
PTO news:
- Please help us reach our goal of $ 16,000 in gift card purchases for the year. With your support we can achieve this number and be able to donate $800 to our school again this year.
- We are having our annual Mother's Day Breakfast Sale next week, May 9th. Please find time to volunteer or donate a delicious dish for all to try! We will send sign up genius email later this week.
- We will be selling advance food/game tickets for CACA FUN DAY (May 17th)! Take advantage of the discount as well as avoid the long line day of. If you would like to volunteer to sell tickets this Saturday at security desk in front of cafetorium, please let PTO know. This will count as one PTO refund credit.
- Vendors this week:
Asian Wok
Happy Family
Hsui Ling Taiwanese Kitchen
Jen Lee
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO
2015 5月2日
這個星期六中文課, 文化課照常上課.
本周班內作文/ 絵畫比賽, 希望各位學生盡情發揮你們的想像力, 做出精彩的作品. 詳情請到學校綱站www.mjcs.us 查看. 星期六早上消防防演 各位家長請注意, 由九月開始學校需要不同職位的義工, 希望大家踴躍參與. 因為MJCS 是一個非盈利機構, 我們的宗旨是提供一個可以給我們的孩子學習中華文化的機會, 所以你的參與非常重要. 如有興趣,詳情請向校長查詢.
星期日(5/3) ANJCS 書法比賽在博根中校舉行, 祝所有參賽者好運. 溫馨小提示, 如果你的小孩有給與參加的資格, 請不要錯過參加考試ACTFL的機會.
中美文化協會園遊會今年將會在本校舉辦(5/17), 家長會將會預售門票, 預買門票將會額外贈送二張門票. 請到家長會處預買.
請大家不要錯過五月十六日的ANJCS Ipad 電子課程 (時間11:40-1:00). 主題是如何利用iPad 去幫助你的小孩去學習國語, 漢語拼音和拼音. 詳情請到http://anjcs.org/elearning/ 查看
- 5/9 - 母親節早餐義賣
- 5/9 - 母姐會
- 5/9- 語言課教務會議
- 5/16- 2015-2016 學年提早注冊開始
- 5/23- 國殤節
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄):
- 05/16 – ANJCS iPad Digital Teachers’ Conference (MJCS). http://anjcs.org/elearning/
- 5/17- 中美文化協會園遊會
- 05/23 – ACS Annual Conference (Flushing Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel)
- 家長會今年售賣禮物劵的目標是16,000元, 希望家長們多多購買, 令我們可以早日達到捐贈$800 給MJCS中文學校的目標.
- 下個星期六, 五月九日家長會母親節早餐義賣, 希望家長可以參與做義工或捐贈美味食物. 請留意這個星期家長會發出的Sign Up Genius的電郵
- 家長會預賣中美文化協會園遊會(5/17)門票, 預買門票將會額外贈送二張門票. 請到家長會處預買. 如果你有興趣幫忙賣門票, 請找會長Yuey, Lin.
- 本周的美食攤位有朱記快樂小食,日式便當,秀玲小食, 李記台式便當, 歡迎大家購買享用。
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