Week 5, 2014
Calvin Liu
2014 10月 18日
10/18 - 家長會早餐義賣, 希望所有的家長,同學們全力支持。 為了迎接萬聖節的到來, 青年義工們將會義賣刀匠的小南爪, 如有興趣, 可以向義工們學習自製小南瓜.
如果天氣許可, 消防預習將在這個星期六進行.
文化課教務會議 11:30 - 12:39
溫馨小提示, 如果需要學校的最新動態, 日歷表, 表格或者是聯絡方法, 請到䋞站http://www.mjcs.us/
- 10/18 - 家長會早餐義賣
- 11/1 - 期中考 Mid-Term Exam ; 母姐會 Parent Teacher Conference 11:30AM ~ 12:30PM
- 11/15 - 班內國語演講比賽
其他校外活動 (詳見禮堂教務處公布欄:)
- 10/18 - 骨髓捐贈注冊-年齡十八到四十四歲,華夏中文學校 at East Brunswick, Churchill Junior High School 1:30 – 5:30 如有興趣, 請聯繫JThompson@NYBloodCenter.org
- 10/31 - CACA 女人俱樂部萬聖節卡拉OK/跳舞/ 晚餐派對– China Buffet, 2000 Park Ave., S. Plainfield, NJ 07080
- 11/6 - 2014 佛教佛光秋季音樂會- NJ Buddha’s Light, 1007 New Brunswick Ave., S. Plainfield, NJ 07080
- 11/09 - ANJCS 老師數碼會議 9am – 4pm - Days Inn Hotel, 195 Route 18, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
- 12/06 - CACA 演講比賽-愛迪生中文學校
October 18, 2014
Dear MJCS Families:
PTO Breakfast sale this Saturday !!! Bring your appetite and bring some cash !
Youth volunteers will have carved pumpkins for sale. For those interested in carving a pumpkin, the
youth volunteers will be happy to assist and teach.
Fire Drill has been rescheduled for 10/25, weather permitting.
Culture Class Parent / Teacher Conference 11:30 -12:30
Reminder: Please visit our website for Newsletters, Calendar, Forms
and Contact information
Upcoming MJCS activities
- 10/18 – PTO Breakfast Sale. Yummy !!!
- 11/01 – Mid-Term Exams – Parents / Teachers Conference 11:30-12:30
- 11/15 – In-class Speech Contest 10:30-11:30
Other Outside Events (see bulletin board in Cafetorium for details):
10/18 - Marrow Donor Registry Drive – ages 18 – 44 Huaxia Chinese School at East Brunswick, Churchill Junior HS 1:30 – 5:30 (if interested, please contact JThompson@NYBloodCenter.org)
10/31 – CACA Women’s Club Halloween Karaoke/Dance/Dinner Party – China Buffet, 2000 Park Ave., S.Plainfield, NJ 07080
11/06 – 2014 Buddha’s Light Fall Music Camp - NJ Buddha’s Light, 1007 New Brunswick Ave., S.Plainfield, NJ 07080
11/09 – ANJCS Digital Teacher’s Conference 9am – 4pm - Days Inn Hotel, 195 Route 18, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
12/06 – CACA Speech Contest – Edison Chinese School
Best Regards
MJCS Administration and PTO