
18 Norton Rd.
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Mid-Jersey Chinese School provides Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese language education to central New Jersey. Offering classes for children of preschool to high school ages and adults.


N J Chinese Schools Youth Chinese Orchestra

Calvin Liu

新澤西中文學校協會青少年國樂團旨在海外教育與傳播大漢民族音樂之美;樂團即日起進行擴大招生,以期能讓更多愛好國樂之青少年朋友們共聚一堂,學習、傳承與宏揚中華文化。本團特聘請資深專業老師提供一對一課程,學員可自由選擇參加。本團歡迎青少年朋友年齡8 歲至18 歲,曾學習中國樂器1 年上者加入我們的行列。喜歡中國音樂,就來玩國樂。歡迎參觀!


時間:三月四號 星期六 5:00PM-9:00PM

(一對一課程 5PM to 7PM, 團練時間7:30PM以後)

地點: New Oriental Education Center (NOEC)

(Oriental Genius Academy)

66 Morris Ave., Springfield, NJ 07081

Shen Yun Promotions

Calvin Liu

This year,  "Preferred Appreciation Program" offered by Shen Yun Promotions International is an opportunity for the 'early sales' periods for a limited number of companies/organizations to help spread the word through their networks about Shen Yun 2017.

What benefits the School and parents/students get: 

   -  waive the $5 web service fee for parents/students

   -  10% of the ticket price as commission or donation to your MJCS

(Note:The commission or donation to MJCSwill be paid within 15 business days after the completion of the entire run of performance finishes.)  


Making an Era – The Song of Zheng / 劃時代箏聲音樂演奏會

Calvin Liu

Changyuan Wang, the renowned Chinese Zither (GuZheng) Master will hold a concert, Making an Era – The Song of Zheng, at Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center﹐ N.Y. Her student, Elizabeth Chao, will perform GuZheng for one solo piece and three group pieces in the concert.  

Sincerely invite you, your family, and friends to enjoy the beautiful, unique, phenomenal and marvelous concert!

Day & Time ﹕1/8/2017, 1:00PM

Venue﹕ Alice Tully Hall at the Lincoln Center

              1941 Broadway, New York, NY 10023

 Website ﹕

 Phone:  (212) 721-6500


著名古箏大師, 王昌元, 將於1月8日在紐約林肯中心愛麗絲演奏廳舉辦 劃時代箏聲音樂演奏會。大師的學生, Elizabeth Chao, 將在音樂會中演奏包括一首古箏獨奏及數首合奏曲目。

這是一場獨特, 優美, 非凡, 美妙的音樂藝術盛宴, 誠摯地邀請您及親朋好友們前來觀賞: 

時 間: 2017年 1月 8日, 1:00PM

地 點: 紐約林肯中心愛麗絲演奏廳

              Alice Tully Hall at the Lincoln Center

              1941 Broadway, New York, NY 10023

  網 址:

  電 話: (212) 721-6500


Calvin Liu

Place: Long Live Paintball (website:

Location: 1989 Englishtown Rd, Monroe Township, NJ

Time: 11/12/2016 9:30am to 5pm (please be there at 9:30am or earlier)


  • $50.00 / person (including gun with hopper, air tank, goggle system, pods, jumpsuit, tac vest, chest protector, 200 paintballs, lunch pizza and water).
  • $35.00 / person (your own equipment, 200 paintballs, lunch pizza and water) (PS. highly suggest to bring own extra water in case we running out of the water) Dress code: casual outfit with sneakers or boots

Age: 8 years old and up

This activity is whole day private outing package which means we will play only with our own groups, no outsiders combined! The games will be played on different ground settings. End of the day will be students vs. school staff and/or parents!

Please e-mail Vincent Yang ( for signing up by giving your name, phone number and how many people attending. Please pay at school on Saturday, 9/24 or pay at the site on 10/2. Thank you

Please make sure to sigh the waver before the event date under the group name “MJCS PAINTBALL”

Here is website for waver:


地點: Long Live Paintball (website:

地址: 1989 Englishtown Rd, Monroe Township, NJ

日期: 11月12日 9:30am–5pm (請準時於9:30am或之前到達)


  • 每人 $50.00 (包含gun with hopper, air tank, goggle system, pods, jumpsuit, tac vest, chest protector, 200 paintballs, lunch pizza and water )
  • 每人 $35.00(自己裝備, 200發彩彈, lunch pizza和 water)

衣著: 輕便通風服裝和休閒鞋或工具靴

年齡: 8歲或8歲以上

當天活動是全天私人團體活動。活動期間只有本團體成員玩,沒有其他外來團體加入。 遊戲會在不同的場景進行,當天最後一個遊戲是學生對抗學校員工或家長!

參加者請電郵 Vincent Yang ( 並註明您的姓名,電話及人數。 費用請在學校 星期六, 9/24或活動當天交付。謝謝

請在10/2前上網線上簽同意書。本活動團體名稱是: MJCS PAINTBALL 網址是:

魏德聖電影 <52 Hz, I love you>

Calvin Liu



 范逸臣,馬念先,民雄,小應(應蔚民),田中千繪Tanaka Chie,安乙蕎-麥,林曉培

創下台灣電影紀錄的魏德聖導演又有新作品了!這個輕鬆小品《52 Hz, I Love You》是導演魏德聖繼《海角七號》後睽違9年的音樂愛情電影, 節奏明快貼近生活的預言式敘事方式,加上生活化的有趣對白、 細膩的畫面、個性鮮明角色與朗朗上口的音樂旋律, 深深吸引觀眾融入在電影中,重新為自己找回「愛」的勇氣與美好。 魏德聖導演2017年最新作品,將在海外率先播放, 之後再回到亞洲於新年期間在院線上映。請在紐約的大家, 千萬不要錯過! 僅此兩場,票剩不多,趕快來預訂你的感動哦!

 購票資訊:台灣會館 均有出售 (普通票 $15, VIP 票 $25)網路售票:
  10/29 Queens 明星場
 10/30 Manhattan 導演場

School BBQ / Picnic event

Calvin Liu

Dear MJCS families, School is started. Are you ready to have some fun?!

Please join us on the School BBQ / Picnic event at:

Bicentennial Park (Grove A)!!
176 Hardenburg Ln
Milltown, NJ 08850

Time: Sunday, 9/18 from 1pm to 6pm

Fee: $5 per adult / free for students or children

Each family please brings some food, or drink to share. Any extra paper plates, cups or charcoals will be more than welcome :) School will provide necessary essentials such as burgers, hot dogs, sausages and juicy bags, etc.

If you like to join, please sign up today with our Vice Principal, Jon Lee. Or, please e-mail him at: including your name, how many adults and children attending.

Please either pay the fee this Saturday or please bring the fee to Jon at the site on 9/18. Don’t miss out the fun and looking forward to seeing you there!!

Vincent Yang
Principal of Mid-Jersey Chinese School

Mid-Autumn concert “秋天午後的對話”

Calvin Liu

Pianist 姚若華 violinist 游文逸 and Christina Chen 陳逸庭 as cellist will perform in the Mid-Autumn concert on September 24, 2016 at 2:30PM at Lincroft Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County.

Welcome to invite your friends to join us to enjoy a Saturday afternoon classic music and Taiwanese folk songs.

Ticket price is $20 per ticket, and $15 each for 2 or more tickets.  Please call(732)858-1525 or(732)763-4587 to order your ticket.


由鋼琴家姚若華和青年大提琴家陳逸庭合作的 “秋天午後的對話”,將在 2016 年,九月 24 日(星期六)下午 2:30 在紐澤西的 Lincroft Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County 舉行,並特邀田纳西交響樂團小提琴家游文逸客席演出。爽朗的姚若華、乖巧的陳逸庭再加上沈穩的游文逸將以輕鬆的方式向聽衆解説樂曲,猶如書友會般擁有感性和理性的交流,尤其在秋高氣爽、落葉紛紛的時節享受知性之美!

曲目包括作曲家石青如爲大提琴、小提琴改編的 “綠島小夜曲”、"望春風”、"耕農歌” 和 “月亮代表我的心”, 世界名曲 “天鵝”、 “聖母頌” 等。

票價 $20 ,購買兩張以上,每張 $15。請洽(732)858-1525(732)763-4587

美東中文學校協會第二區 (紐約上州,康州) 2016 民俗文化教學展演與種子教師培訓報名

Calvin Liu


10月1日週六 下午 1:30 – 4:30

Welles-Turner Memorial Library
2407 Main Street
Glastonbury, CT 06033





Calvin Liu


於10月8日星期 6晚上7 點在 Rutgers University, 演出。

Nicholas Music Center
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey

邀請到 殷正洋,萬芳,和 李壽全 精釆表演。歡迎大家前往觀賞表演。

有興趣購票者請與瓊玉連絡, 電話: (908)432-7504

ANJCS 2016 年度大紐約地區海外華文教師研習會 OCAC Teacher‘s Conference

Calvin Liu

Registration Form]

2016 年度大紐約地區海外華文教師研習會

指導單位: 中華民國僑務委員會 

輔導單位: 紐約華僑文教服務中心

主辦單位: 新澤西中文學校協會

研習時間: 2016 年 7/8(星期五)至 7/10 (星期日)3 天 

研習地點: Days Hotel  & Conference Center        
195 Route 18, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

報名日期 : 即日起至 7 月 04 日


$50(7/09-至 7/10 包括二天研習餐費及教材)      
$60 (7/8-至 7/10 包括三天研習餐費及教材)     
$70  7 月 04 日日之後

程  序

7/8 14:00 -  19:30
7/9  8:45 -  18:00
7/10  8:45 -  16:20




  • 三贏的班級經營 ,說唱律動遊戲學華語,創意教具製作與應用
  • 創新寫作引導與看圖作文教學演練,繪本導讀與閱讀教學實作
  • 字詞語句的創意教學,華語教學作業與評量設計
  • 口語表達-說話、朗讀、朗誦、演說技巧指導,華語正音及注音符號動態教學
  • 華語教材編輯


  • 教非母語幼兒、青少年、成人學習華語
  • 教學設計、編寫教材、作詞譜曲、華語教師培訓


  • 數位教學

International Chopin Competition winner to perform with Bravura Philharmonic

Calvin Liu

Ms. Kate Liu is the first American to have won any of the top three prizes in the Chopin International Competition in 20 years. She has performed around the world and in prestigious US venues such as Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center.  When she was 14, Kate was selected to perform a four-hand duet with Lang Lang in Chicago’s Symphony Hall.   Kate has appeared on National Public Radio’s From the Top, one of the most widely known radio shows for talented young musicians. She was also featured numerous times on WFMT classical music radio, as well as the WTTW Chicago Tonight television program. In addition, she has performed with the Warsaw Philharmonic and Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra in Poland, and the Daegu (South Korea), Evanston, Montreal, Rochester, Hilton Head, Cleveland, and Skokie Valley Orchestras.

The Bravura Philharmonic Orchestra will also perform The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra by Benjamin Britten.  It is an educational piece aimed to introduce the various orchestral instruments.  The program includes the “Haffner Symphony,” a famous work that was written by Mozart for his patron and mayor of Salzburg, Sigmund Haffner. 


Calvin Liu




133-32 41st Road
Flushing, NY 11355
電話:718-886-7770 ext.104 (劉小姐)

紐約華僑文教服務中心(Culture Center of TECO in NY)
Tel: 1-718-886-7770




2016 Taiwan Rising Stars Classical Music Concert / 福爾摩沙四重奏

Calvin Liu

Dear Friends,

Taiwan Academy is delighted to present Formosa Quartet. We cordially invite you to attend:

“2016 Taiwan Rising Stars Classical Music Concert”

on Saturday, February 20th, 2016, 4:30 PM at Taiwan Academy

(1 East 42nd Street, NY, NY10017)

Complimentary Admission, RSVP required. To complete the RSVP, please click HERE fill the form and choose "submit" at the end of the form.

For more information, please visit us on


駐紐約辦事處臺北文化中心臺灣書院即將舉辦臺灣新秀-年度古典音樂會, 我們誠摯邀請您前來觀賞



(1 East 42nd Street, NY, NY10017)

活動免費參加,名額有限,請預先報名。報名請按這裡,填妥參加回覆表格後,請按表格最下方"submit" (送出) 鍵即完成報名。活動當天憑報名名字入場,本中心不再回覆確認



Calvin Liu



歡迎年滿20歲以上至65歲以下,通曉中文,有意報名參訓之僑營中餐館業者負責人或廚師,於2016年2月24日前填妥報名資料送紐約華僑文教服務中心,該中心地址:133-32 41st Road Flushing, NY 11355,電話:718-886-7770 ext.104 劉小姐;招生簡章及相關資訊可至僑務委員會全球資訊網站全球僑商服務網下載運用。


紐約華僑文教服務中心(Culture Center of TECO in NY)
133-32 41st Road,
Flushing, NY 11355
Tel: 1-718-886-7770



僑務委員會中華函授學校 2016 學年開始招生囉!

Calvin Liu




意者請至中華函授學校遠距學習網: 最新消息專區下載招生簡章、課程一覽表及報名表報名,或直接辦理線上報名;本案業務聯絡人鮑小姐,電話(718)886-7770分機106,電子信箱。

2016 年海外傑出青年臺灣文化研習營

Calvin Liu



舉辦日期: 2016年8月7日至8月20日

邀訪對象: 現居住於海外地區,18歲以上、27歲以下之大學或或研究所在學(應屆畢業)優秀華裔青年。


  • 以曾獲得美國總統學者獎、英代爾科學獎、國際奧林匹克競賽優勝獎或目前就讀全美年度評比前十名大學或研究所學生優先。
  • 非美國地區以曾獲得當地最高學術榮譽獎項或目前就讀於當地具國際聲望之大學或研究所,並經由我學術聯誼團體或僑教組織推薦之學生為優先。


Michelle Pao

133-32 41st Road
Flushing, NY 11355
TEL:1-718-886-7770 ext 106