Changyuan Wang, the renowned Chinese Zither (GuZheng) Master will hold a concert, Making an Era – The Song of Zheng, at Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center﹐ N.Y. Her student, Elizabeth Chao, will perform GuZheng for one solo piece and three group pieces in the concert.
Sincerely invite you, your family, and friends to enjoy the beautiful, unique, phenomenal and marvelous concert!
Day & Time ﹕1/8/2017, 1:00PM
Venue﹕ Alice Tully Hall at the Lincoln Center
1941 Broadway, New York, NY 10023
Website ﹕
Phone: (212) 721-6500
著名古箏大師, 王昌元, 將於1月8日在紐約林肯中心愛麗絲演奏廳舉辦 劃時代箏聲音樂演奏會。大師的學生, Elizabeth Chao, 將在音樂會中演奏包括一首古箏獨奏及數首合奏曲目。
這是一場獨特, 優美, 非凡, 美妙的音樂藝術盛宴, 誠摯地邀請您及親朋好友們前來觀賞:
時 間: 2017年 1月 8日, 1:00PM
地 點: 紐約林肯中心愛麗絲演奏廳
Alice Tully Hall at the Lincoln Center
1941 Broadway, New York, NY 10023
網 址:
電 話: (212) 721-6500